byrnes high school parent portal

by Bethany Towne IV 10 min read

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal is a complete on-line system which allows the parent access to their student’s information including, but not limited to, student schedules, grades, discipline, and attendance. Yearly student information updates are done in the Parent Portal.

Is summer reading required at Byrnes High School?

Summer reading for Honors and AP English students at James F. Byrnes High School is required. Students are assigned TWO works to read on their own BEFORE the first day of class.

How do I update student information in the parent portal?

Yearly student information updates are done in the Parent Portal. Please update contact information and phone numbers for students. If you need to make an address change, you must take your address proofs to the school and they will approve the address.

How do I access the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool Parent Portal may be accessed from any place with Internet access. You can find the link for the Parent Portal on the James F. Byrnes website. The application uses a secure link that encrypts the data to and from the end user and is very secure.



You can place an order 24/7. Place your order by March 31, 2022. Click above for more details.

10th Grade and 11th Grade IGP Meetings Start February 15, 2022

All students are required to participate and parents are encouraged to participate. Click for more details.


Prom will be on April 30th from 8pm-midnight at Indigo Hall in Downtown Spartanburg! Students can also request to bring a guest of their choosing (within specified parameters) using the Guest Approval form! Students are able to pick up permission forms in the Rebel Cafe, Cafeteria, Grill Area (location of ticket sales), main office, guidance and the media center.

eLearning day for January 13 and 14

Most of our schools have reached a critical point where we are concerned about our ability to provide a safe learning environment for students due to the high percentage of staff members required to isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure. Additionally, we are experiencing a large increase in student absences districtwide.

Schoology Access for Parents

In CECIL on September 15, your child was given an access code for you to join Schoology as a parent.

Greene Wins All In Award

Assistant Principal Jermaine Greene is this semester's winner of the All In Award. In addition to his many duties as assistant principal, Mr. Greene serves as the AVID coordinator and textbook and school laptop supervisor.

Gettys D. Broome High School has been named a National Beta School of Merit!

Spartanburg School District 3 is proud to announce that Broome High School is a 2020-2021 National Beta School of Merit. The school earned this recognition by offering National Beta to all eligible grades on their campus.

District Notes

If you received special permission from our District Office for your child to enroll here last year, you must contact 279-6021 before you can complete the enrollment process.

Upcoming Events

Click on the calendar link above to see all scheduled events for Spartanburg School District 3 schools.
