callaghan college parent portal

by Barry Padberg 5 min read

When was Callaghan College Wallsend made non-operational?

Dear Parents and Carers, As you are aware, Callaghan College Wallsend Campus was made non-operational on Tuesday 2 November for the ons... Dear Parents and Carers, As you are aware, our school site was made non-operational for the onsite attendance of staff and students due...

What can the Parent Portal do for me?

The parent portal is a powerful tool allowing access to student information such as timetables, attendance, calendars, daily notices, messaging, reports and book parent teacher interviews.

How do I contact Sentral parent?

If you have any issues or questions please email: When registering please use your email address as your username. If using the app, search for Sentral Parent and install on your smartphone.

How do I contact the Canvas Parent Information Department?

Don't miss our online Parent Information Session! SMS Absences: Text parent name, student name, and reason to 0429 55 01 88. Direct access to our systems is provided below, refer to Canvas Parent Information and Sentral Parent Portal and App for new users.


Starting year seven in 2022: the guide is here!

High school is full of excitement, new experiences, and, of course, the occasional challenge too. Getting the most out of it requires p...

COVID-19 vaccination for students aged 12 years and over

As schools prepare for the start of Term 1, 2022, parents and carers of students aged 12 years and above are reminded to book their chi...

Technology Question Time for Parents and Carers

This will be hosted by Mr David Summerville, HT Technology and Mrs. Stacy Lambert, HT Teaching & Lea...

Year 7 Immunisation

Information will be sent home closer to the date - please see attached information sheet for details...

Wallsend Campus Whole School Swimming Carnival

DATE TO BE CONFIRMED - Wallsend Campus Swimming Carnvilal - attendance is compulsory for all student...

Year 7 Camp 2022

Year 7 are invited to participate in a three-day camp from Monday 14 to Wednesday 16 March 2022. The...

Year 8 Camp 2022

Year 8 are invited to participate in a three-day camp from Wednesday 18 May to Friday 20 May 2022. N...

View our latest newsletter

Direct access to our systems is provided below, refer to Parent Portal and Canvas page for new users.

Latest news

The 2022 digital learning packs are now available for students and their families to use at home. You can work through our easy-to-use ...

Digital learning packs for 2022

The 2022 digital learning packs are now available for students and their families to use at home. You can work through our easy-to-use ...
