camp herrlich parent portal

by Andrew McLaughlin 9 min read

Our Photo Philosophy

Are you curious about our workflow, or have questions about why we do what we do? From cabin pictures, to gallery upload times, we have the answers for you.

View the fun as it happens!

Our dedicated media staff does an outstanding job documenting the Tecumseh experience on a daily basis. Uploading new pictures multiple times per day, follow along with the Camp week by visiting our photo galleries. From the galleries you can also save pictures, and order prints of your favorite photos.

Recap Camp Tecumseh experiences

In addition to photos, our media team also puts together short videos throughout the week highlighting various aspects of the Tecumseh experience.

Baked Oatmeal Recipe

Baked Oatmeal is a Camp Tecumseh classic. Now you can make it at home following our recipe.

Allergy Information

For information regarding allergens and dietary needs, please contact our Food Service Director, Danielle at, or 765-564-2898.
