camp riverbend parent portal

by Elisabeth Kohler Jr. 6 min read

How do I download the camp Riverbend NJ app?

Search on the App Store or Google Play for “Camp Riverbend NJ” to download, and check out the video to the right to learn how to set up and use the app. You will need a access code to install the app; this code is listed in our Parent Handbook.

What is Oya Camp Riverbend?

Camp Riverbend, located in La Grande, is a facility that provides transition services for OYA male youth. It can house up to 25 youth. The average stay of a youth is six months to one year.

What is Riverbend?

The primary goals of Riverbend are to give young men an opportunity to earn work skills and practice pro-social skills in the community that will help them successfully transition out of corrections. Check out OYA's latest stories about Riverbend on the Inside OYA blog.


What is the phone number for Camp Tannadoonah?

574-387-6095. Our Parent's Guide to Camp Tannadoonah contains answers to most of the questions parents typically ask. It contains check in and check out information, packing guides, health and safety information, the philosophy the guides camp, policies and procedures, and much, much more!

What is the purpose of camp?

Camp offers campers an opportunity to gain self confidence, develop new social skills, get creative, be silly, let go and make their own choices. We hope they will leave camp filled with fond memories of time spent with friends, learning new skills, and have a new level of confidence.

Camp 2022 Dates

These are tentative dates for Camp Riverbend 2022. The schedule will be finalized in February. Camp Riverbend 2022 is for ages 18 months through 8 years/2nd grade. If space allows, we may consider older siblings for Science Camp.

Registration & REQUIRED FORMS

A link to forms will be posted here when registration begins on February 22, 2022.

Tuition & Fees

There are no refunds or discounts for unplanned absences or planned missed camp days.

Camp Activities

Our teachers will provide creative age-appropriate activities in a loving, Christian environment. Camp Riverbend will be full of nature and discovery activities which will encourage higher thinking and problem solving while promoting positive social interactions in a safe, caring environment.

Snacks & Lunch

Parents are responsible for providing a nutrition snack and lunch each day. Please do not send candy, gum, soft drinks, etc. Jarred baby food and bottles will not be permitted. Toddlers should bring finger foods and be able to drink from a spill proof cup. Children should also bring a labeled water bottle.


Please dress children in comfortable clothing in which they can manipulate. Children should wear closed toed shoes (no flip flops or sandals). Send extra underwear for potty-learning children as well as an extra change of outer clothing. We like to get messy at school. Please dress your child in play clothes.

Science Camp

Children CURRENTLY attending elementary school will be a part of our Science Camp. Our school-aged children will be introduced to a wide variety of experiments and wonders. From glow in the dark discoveries to mentos geysers to quicksand, your child is sure to learn something new this summer.
