campbell collegiate parent portal

by Mr. Lindsey Schowalter Jr. 7 min read

Why Campbell University?

Why Campbell University? school Grow as an individual through a transformative student experience that nurtures mind, body and spirit. Leverage our location in the heart of North Carolina to build connections, hone skills and pursue opportunities.

How many degrees does Campbell University offer online?

Adult & Online Education 20 bachelor degrees, 8 associate degrees, one graduate degree, and one certificate program available 100% online or at three extended campuses. Learn more Why Campbell University?

What is the Campbell leads campaign?

Through the Campbell Leads campaign, we are improving the Campbell experience by increasing scholarship opportunities and building a state-of-the-art student union.


Letter to all families from Education Response Planning Team

March 20, 2020 -- The Saskatchewan Education Response Planning Team just posted this letter for all parents and families to read. Please review the document here.

Schools Closed Until Further Notice

MARCH 19, 2020 -- As of Friday, March 20, 2020, all classes in Regina Public Schools will be suspended indefinitely and school buildings will be closed until further notice. Please continue to check our website and twitter feed (@regpublicschool) for news and updates.

Letter to families and students

The following letter will be shared with all parents, guardians and students on March 16, 2020. For a copy of the letter, please follow this link.

Schools Remain Open

Please see the link below for information regarding the schools being open.

Information regarding STF Restriction of Services

For information regarding the teachers sanction please click on the link below:

Passion2Action INSPIRE

On the morning of Thursday, March 12th, all grade nine students will be attending the Passion2Action INSPIRE event at the Conexus Arts Centre. Students will proceed to Period 1 for attendance, and be bused to the Conxeus Arts Centre, returning for 12:00pm. $1.50 to cover the cost of busing will be added to student fees.

Campbell Collegiate Open House

All grade 8 students and their parents/guardians are invited to join us on Wednesday, March 11th at 6:30pm for the Campbell Collegiate Open House! Come and ask questions and see the classrooms. Get the information you need on academic and extra-curricular activities. See you there!

Parent Portal is a secure, web-based application that allows you to view

Review and update your current contact information- Please be sure to update phone and address information promptly. We must have the correct information.

General Guidelines and Expectations for use

To access Parent Portal for the first time, you will need to create a username and password by visiting the Parent Portal Account Sign-up website. Parent Portal Account Sign-up You will be asked to verify your email address and provide information to verify your identity.

Log In Information

To access Parent Portal for the first time, you will need to create a username and password by visiting the Parent Portal Account Sign-up website. You will be asked to verify your email address and provide information to verify your identity.

My Student's Information

Login to PowerSchool. This lets you check your child's attendance and contact the teacher. Parents of middle school students can even check grades and progress.​

Lunch Program

Look up the school menu, manage your child's meal account balance and get tips for promoting good nutrition at home.
