campus parent portal district 15

by Ryder Stamm 3 min read

How do I log in to campus parent?

You can log into Campus Parent using the Web Portal or Mobile App. To submit a question regarding online registration, please fill out our online form. A District 15 representative will get back to you quickly.

What are the campus parent and campus student mobile apps?

The Campus Parent and Campus Student mobile apps provide a fast and convenient way for parents and students to check grades, assignments, schedule, attendance and daily planner information on their IOS or Android device.

What are the hours of operation for the campus Parent App?

of 6:00 AM-5:00 PM PST. The Campus Parent and Campus Student mobile apps provide a fast and convenient way for parents and students to check grades, assignments, schedule, attendance and daily planner information on their IOS or Android device.

How do I update my student's information in the parent portal?

Click on the POPULAR link on the upper right and select the Parent Portal icon. 3. Click on the Parent Portal button 4. Once logged in, click on More 5. Choose Online Registration and Update 6. Click here to go to Existing Student Registration 7. Click "Begin" 8. Read and Confirm the information by typing your name in the box. 9.


What is parent portal?

Please be sure to sign up for the Parent Portal. This is live student data platform where you can see assignments and student grades.

Do you have to do a health screening before entering the building?

Every student must complete a daily health screening prior to entering the building . Click on the image for the link.

Is the school website full of information?

To start, the school website is full of great information and we urge you to check the website often for news and updates.

How to recover password on campus?

The process for recovering a forgotten Campus username and/or password has been simplified to improve user experience. User account verification images have been replaced by a simple email that is sent to a designated email address, containing a unique and secure URL allowing the user to easily enter and save a new account password. Users requesting a username reminder will be sent an email containing their forgotten username. If you do not receive an email, please click icportalsupport to request a UN or PW reset. Users who do not currently have a password recovery email address entered within Campus should be asked upon first login to provide this information. Users can also update or modify their password/username recovery email address within the Account Settings tool.

How to change email address and phone number?

Phone number and/or email address changes can be done using either the Online Registration and Update application or by selecting Address Information and Family Information located in the Parent Portal MORE tab. Click the Update button to change the phone and email fields . Once done, click on the Send Update button.

When is the OLR update required?

The annual demographic update (OLR Annual Update) is required prior to the start of each school year. However, if any additional updates to demographics, address, contacts, etc. occur use the same process via the Online Registration and Update button in the Parent Portal.

What does it mean when your summary page is highlighted in yellow?

14. If any of your information on the summary page is highlighted in yellow, you have missed a required field and must edit to go back in and update.

Do you have to complete the annual update for elementary school?

It is REQUIRED that parents or guardians complete the Annual Update as soon as possible Or PRIOR TO schedule pickup and the posting of the class lists at the elementary level. (This applies even if you recently enrolled a new student for the upcoming school year during the spring open enrollment for preschool and kindergarten.) IF not completed, elementary students will NOT get their teacher assignment and middle school and high school students will NOT get their schedules. Schedules will not be displayed on the Student or Parent Portal until after schedule pick up.

Do elementary students get their schedules?

IF not completed, elementary students will NOT get their teacher assignment and middle school and high school students will NOT get their schedules. Schedules will not be displayed on the Student or Parent Portal until after schedule pick up.

Can you be denied access to Campus Portal?

Users identified as a security risk to the Campus Portal will be denied access.

Is infinite portal a privilege?

Use of the Infinite Campus Portal is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, users of the Campus Portal are required to adhere to the following acceptable use guidelines:

Is Campus Portal unofficial?

Users will acknowledge that all accessible data on the Campus Portal is unofficial.

Can users harm or destroy data?

Users will not attempt to harm or destroy any data.

Who to talk to about a student's disciplinary issue?

Discuss the issue with your student’s school principal or guidance counselor.
