campus parent portal tvmsc

by Kaden Wilderman 7 min read

How do I access the Infinite Campus portal?

Parent and Student Access to Infinite Campus - Click on the logo below to access the portal sign in TVUSD Staff Access to Infinite Campus Tools/Instruction - Click on the logo below to access the portal sign in

How do I download the campus parent mobile app?

Campus Parent. To download Campus Parent mobile app, visit the App Store or Google Play and search Campus Parent or click on the direct link below: Campus Student. To download Campus Student mobile app, visit the App Store or Google Play and search Campus Student or click on the direct link below:

What happened to the grades tab in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

We wanted to make you aware of a change that you will see in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal regarding your child's grades tab. The "Grades" tab will not be visible on the portal from November 15 thru December 17, as teachers are calculating and managing semester grades. Thank you for your understanding!


Parent, Student, and Staff Portal Login Access

Parent and Student Access to Infinite Campus - Click on the logo below to access the portal sign in

Parent Portal Step By Step Password Assistance Document

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
