canton area school district parent portal

by Demetrius Hoeger 4 min read

How do I pay for student enrollment in Canton area school district?

Payments, with coupons, can be made at any branch of First Citizens Community Bank. If you have moved into Canton Area School District, and need to enroll students for school, please use the attached link and scroll down for the forms and information needed. CASD has partnered with Thompson Sports and Apparel to bring you our new “Spirit Store”.

Where can I donate to Canton High School live stream club?

Sponsorships and donations can be sent to the Canton High School at 509 E. Main St. Canton PA 17724 in care of “Live Stream Club”. The Live Stream Club greatly appreciates of all of your support.

What schools are in Canton?

McNeal Elementary School Reuben B. Myers Canton School of Arts & Sciences Huey L Porter Middle School Nichols Middle School Canton High School Canton Career Center Canton Educational Services Center Sign In Register Search Our Site Admin Login Search What are you searching for? SUBMITSEARCH

What is the community web portal?

CASD's Community Web Portal is our tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student information about their student's work in the Chambersburg Area School District, about issues that may affect them and their family. Parents are a key factor to their child's educational and academic success.


Do students need to sign up for an account?

Since accounts are automatically created, students do not need to sign up for an account. Because security is important to us, please give us time to verify all data submitted. Please allow for 1-3 business days for a parent account to be processed. Once your account is approved, you will receive a PIN.

Can parents use their own student account?

Parents/Guardians and Students can use their account to get real time access to Online Reports, Attendance, Discipline and Schedules. Parent/Guardian and Student accounts have different access and displayed information may differ. Parents are encouraged to apply for their own account and not use your child's account.
