canton plymouth parent portal

by Garrick Mante 5 min read

What is the phone number for Plymouth College?

plymouth college preparatory school and plymouth college Ford Park Plymouth PL4 6RN Prep School: (+44) 1752 505101 Senior School: (+44) 1752 505100 directions Registered Charity No: 1105544 Connect with @PlymouthCollege

What is family portal?

Introducing FAMILY PORTAL. Using family portal, you will be able to see announcements for current families, check schedules, pay tuition or lunch balances, sign up for athletic teams, purchase tickets for concerts, see grades and report cards, and much moreā€¦.all using one login and password!

What is the PCA parent resources section?

The PCA Parent Resources section on our website is devoted to parents that are seeking a greater role in the Plymouth Christian Academy education experience. Parents have a variety of opportunities to get involved through efforts such as booster boards, mentorship programs, fellowships, and other volunteer roles at the school.

What is the P-CCS studentconnection information system?

P-CCS Learn.Prepare.Thrive. Update Archive I Want To... Jump to subpage... MISTAR StudentConnection information system contains many components including scheduling, grade reporting, attendance, graduation requirements, medical records, parent connection, student connection, etc


MISTAR Student Connection

MISTAR StudentConnection information system contains many components including scheduling, grade reporting, attendance, graduation requirements, medical records, parent connection, student connection, etc

Canvas Learning Management System

All P-CCS classroom sites are now in the Canvas Learning Management platform.

P-CCS Technology Support

Visit the Technology Department's website for resources and help for Families, Students and Staff.
