card campus parent portal

by Maia Shanahan 7 min read

How do I access student grades and report cards?

Access to student grades and report cards is provided digitally through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please follow the instructions below to access Student Report Cards. If you do not yet have a PowerSchool Parent Account click here for instructions to set one up now.

What do I do if a student (s) are missing from parent portal?

If you are missing a student (s) on your Parent Portal account, please follow the steps below. Include the following information. Your Name. Your Parent Portal email address. Student Name and ID of the student that appears in Parent Portal. The Student Name and ID of the student (s) that MISSING in Parent Portal. 2.

How do I pay for student fees and activities through parent portal?

Some campuses allow you to pay for fees and activities through Parent Portal. Examples include football tickets, prom, homecoming, parking, etc. Scroll down to Student Registration Forms. Click the button with your student's name. Click the Pay Now button. 5. I'm not receiving email or Phone Calls from the Plano ISD

How do I get updated about information in the campus portal?

Campus Portal is updated in real-time. You can see information as soon as it is posted by a teacher or staff member. Who should I contact if I have questions about grades, attendance, assignments, etc.? Please contact the teacher or school staff member responsible for the information. How should I protect my account?


Parent Accounts

To apply for an account, bring the completed application with a photocopy of driver’s license to the District Office at 5 Chelsea Place or your child’s school during the above listed times or during normal business hours, Monday through Friday (7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. during the school year or 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the summer).

Student Accounts

High school and middle school students are given access from their school. Once your account has been established, please visit the computer lab aide in your school should you encounter any problems accessing your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

To effectively access your Shenendehowa Campus Parent Portal account you will need:

Easy-to-use payment solution

Campus Online Payments gives parents, students and staff the convenience to make food service or fee payments 24/7 through the Campus Portal.

School Store

Access the School Store to select spirit wear, purchase school supplies, pay activity fees or make various donations…all while eliminating manual processes, paperwork, checks and cash. The school store is included with Online Payments at no additional cost.

Activity Registration

Families will be able to select specific activities and athletics from the School Store to begin the registration process. In addition, this registration feature will allow parents to pay field trip fees and sign permissions in one process through the School Store.

4Cs Presentation and Subsidy Applications

Please call the Office of Central Registration at 973‐321‐2501 to schedule your registration appointment.

Student Immunization Records Requirement

New Jersey state law requires all public school students to have complete immunization records on file at their school.

Keeping our Children Safe on the Internet and Online

Today's children are the first generation to be born and raised with the internet as part of their everyday lives. They often know more about the internet than their parents and guardians.

Get Connected with Paterson Public Schools

Be sure to download the New and Improved Paterson Public Schools App to your phone or other smart device! This is the best way to stay in contact with your school or schools, as well as the district itself. Timely, important school and district information of every kind will be at your fingertips.

Project Child Find - Help Is Available

If a Paterson Public Schools’ student is having problems in their physical, social, communication, cognitive or sensory development, parents may contact the Department of Special Services at 973-321-0431 to obtain further information regarding help for students with potential disabilities.
