carlisle isd parent portal

by Lea Bayer 5 min read

When does school start in Carlisle PA?

The Carlisle School Board approved the school calendar for the 2020-21 school year at its monthly meeting on March 8th. The school calendar was developed by the district’s Calendar Committee comprised of parents and district staff. Under the calendar, classes will start August 23 for grades 1-12.

What is the application deadline for the Carlisle Elementary School principal position?

The Carlisle School District is searching for a dynamic instructional leader to serve as Principal of Carlisle Elementary School beginning July 1, 2022. Application deadline is January 10th.

What is Carlisle CSD doing to prepare students for the fall?

Our goal at Carlisle CSD is to have our students back in our school buildings in the fall while also making sure that we are doing everything we can to protect the health of everyone in our schools. Carlisle CSD will be offering full on-site instruction for all students in the district’s four buildings for the 2021-22 school year.

Is carlcarlisle CSD offering on-site instruction for 2021-22?

Carlisle CSD will be offering full on-site instruction for all students in the district’s four buildings for the 2021-22 school year. This plan will be re-evaluated and updated as necessary based on guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health and Department of Education.



The vacancy has occurred for Director District 3 (Carlisle area - South Side and Danamere Farms). The remaining balance of the term of office for the vacant position will expire November, 2023. Persons living in District 3 and interested in being considered for appointment should contact the Superintendent.

2021-2022 School Supply Lists

This year's school supply lists are available at the bottom of the 2021-2022 Registration.


The Carlisle School Board approved the 2021-22 Return to School Plan at the July 12, 2021 school board meeting. The operational plans for the 2021-22 school year are based on available guidance from state/local public health experts and Iowa Code.


The Carlisle School Board approved Gregory Marshall as the new principal at Carlisle Middle School. Marshall has been in education for 15 years, with the last four years serving as an Associate Principal and School Improvement Leader at Des Moines Lincoln High School.

Superintendent Sara Bonser Announces Retirement

After 33 years of service in public education (25 of those years in Plano ISD), Superintendent Sara Bonser informed the Plano ISD Board of Trustees on Tuesday, January 25, that she will retire as superintendent at the end of this school year in order to spend more time with family at a critical time. Read more.

Intra-District Transfer Requests for 2022-23 School Year

Families in kindergarten-12th grade who wish to request a school transfer for their student for the 2022-23 school year, should visit the Student Transfers page at .
