carmel college parent portal

by Heather Thompson 5 min read

What is the Carmel portal?

The Carmel Portal is an important resource for parents and caregiver’s to access whilst their child is attending the College. The portal has been put in place to strengthen our home/school links and to give you access to important information to have meaningful conversations around your child’s education at home.

How do I log in as a parent using my child’s reference?

Carmel Connect, the college intranet site, allows you to log in using your son/daughter’s reference number and personal details. With Parent Login you can access information such as: There is also a message form for parents to use if they need to contact the college.

Did you welcome a new student to Carmel Christian this year?

We welcomed a new student to Carmel Christian this year who had never learned a Bible verse before. Every week when we tested on the Bible verse, he came to my desk so excited to say his verse to me.

What information can I access with parent login?

With Parent Login you can access information such as: There is also a message form for parents to use if they need to contact the college. From this page you can download our Prospectus, Course Leaflets, and other useful information.


What is the phone number for Carmel College?

If you haven’t given your contact details and you would like this service to be available to you, please contact us on 01744 452200 and we will be happy to help. This service is only available from within the UK and is available to registered parents and guardians of students studying at Carmel College. ParentMail Login.

How long is a college account blocked?

If after three attempts you are still unable to login, your account will be blocked for a period of 24 hours.

What is SchoolCloud?

SchoolCloud is a web-based system that will work in any modern browser from most devices at no cost to parents.
