caroline chisholm parent portal

by Shana Corkery Jr. 9 min read

Annual AGM

Will be incorporated into the Parents Coffee Morning in term 1. Friday 18th of March 2016


The P&C meet once a term on Friday, Week 3 at 9.30am. Next meeting date 13 May 2016.

Office Bearers

President - Kirrily Hoscher Treasurer – Snezana Nikolovski Vice President – Joanne Byrne Secretary – Liza Sultana


The Parents & Citizens Association is always looking for new members. Please approach any member to inquire about our next meeting. Feedback and input are always welcome!


P&C will be running the following annual events and applying for grants during 2016.


All parents and caregivers are invited to attend a "coffee morning" once per term to listen to guest speakers and to meet and socialise as a school community. We will notify you of dates in the school newsletters

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How to access compass?

Compass can be accessed in two ways: Click on the Compass icon on the homepage of the College website. Download the Compass App for your smartphone by visiting your online store (iTunes, Google Play, etc.). Search for ‘Compass School Manager.’.

What does compass record?

Compass records notes and approvals to your child’s profile. If your child has any unapproved absences or late arrivals, you will receive an alert on your Compass home page informing you of this and allowing you to add your own note or approval.

What is Compass homepage?

The Homepage provides you with relevant alerts and news from the College, as well as quick access to your child’s profile.
