caroline parent portal

by Lukas Hoeger 7 min read

Why choose Caroline County public schools?

Caroline County Public Schools - Empowering the next generation of learners, thinkers, and leaders. Caroline County, Virginia. Educational leaders and School Boards are strategic. We are strategic in our thinking, planning, and analysis.

Who is Caroline in Portal 2?

Caroline is a posthumous character in Portal 2. She plays an integral role in GLaDOS ' background.

Who will be the next superintendent of Caroline County public schools?

The Caroline County Public School Board voted unanimously at its regularly scheduled meeting on October 8, 2018, to move into contract negotiations with Sarah B. Calveric, Ph.D. to become the next Superintendent of Caroline County Public Schools. Dr. Calveric has served as the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction for CCPS since 2016.

Does Caroline County public schools have an instructional calendar for 2022-23?

We hope that this added layer of connectivity is beneficial to the community and students of Caroline County Public Schools. Our dedicated Calendar Committee has drafted two instructional calendar options for the 2022-2023 school year and we would like your feedback.



Caroline was Johnson's personal assistant and closest confidante from the early years of Aperture Science until his apparent death in the 1980s. After realizing that he was terminally ill, Cave attempted to cheat death by ordering Aperture's scientists to develop a computer network into which his consciousness could be uploaded.

Behind the scenes

Several sound files of Caroline's cut dialogue can be found within the game's cache files. The unused dialogue has Caroline addressing someone as "sir" and desperately insisting that she does not want something. The precise location in Test Shaft 09 for where this dialogue was meant to be played before being cut remains unknown.


Rattmann 's mural depicting a woman without a lab coat during GLaDOS' activation.

Donations of Lego Bricks!

Do you have Lego Bricks that your children are no longer using and you’re tired of stepping on?

1st Grandparent Group Event

Thursday, January 27th, the Family Engagement team hosted the first in a series of Grandparent groups. The Caroline Sheriff’s Office presented, “The Dangers of Social Media” and Grandparents/Guardians participated in individual school break out sessions. Participants also received food boxes and a variety of school resources.

Athletic Update!

The Battlefield Wrestling Conference Tournament will be moved to 2/5 with the threat of snow this weekend.

Where: Caroline High School

For Questions, please contact the Family Engagement Staff at your grandchild’s school.

Parent Portal

The Aspen Parent Portal is where you can review your child’s/rens information and complete the Contact and Consent Verification process. Click here for written directions on how to complete this process or click here to follow along via video.

2021-22 Contact Verification Process

The communication below provides important information from the Public Schools of Brookline. Translated versions are available at the following links:
