carolyn clark parent portal

by Muhammad Feest 7 min read

Report Absences

Parents should call the school in the morning, before school starts, to report all student absences. This includes full day absences and partial day absences. For a partial day absence, parents should notify the office before school starts and when the student returns to class.


The March 2022 Breakfast and Lunch Menu is now available from Child Nutrition Services. Meals are free for all students during the 2021-2022 school year. However, payment for a la carte purchases and adult meals is still required.

District and Community News

The March 2022 Breakfast and Lunch Menu is now available from Child Nutrition Services. Meals are free for all students during the 2021-2022 school year. However, payment for a la carte purchases and adult meals is still required.

ESD Wellness Spotlight

February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). We can help prevent teen dating violence (TDV).


Mr. Betando provides an update of the February Board meeting and discusses other topics including Valentine's Day, National Donor Day, and Family Engagement and Student Success.

Board of Trustees

Agendas will be posted 72 hours prior to a Regular Board Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Board Meeting. Current agendas can be found online at BoardDocs.

Upcoming Events

Welcome to Evergreen School District. We invite you to learn more about ESD by clicking on the surrounding images and videos in this section.

What is Norwood Creek Elementary?

At Norwood Creek Elementary, we take great pride in the education that we offer our students. We set high expectations for every child and provide the support and enrichment each child needs to reach those expectations. We present a rich curriculum that educates the whole child.

What is Pride Month?

Pride Month is an opportunity for us to celebrate and learn about LGBTQ+ history. The Evergreen Mental Health and Wellness Connections team joins this effort to recognize and support the community.

What is the month of May?

Every year, the month of May gives us the opportunity to focus on the history, achievements, challenges, resilience and leadership of Asian-Americans, Pacific Islanders and Native Hawaiians . The Wellness Team has provided information and resources with our district's continued celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

What is the theme for the second harvest food drive?

Help us promote our annual food drive! This year's theme for the Second Harvest Food Drive is No"body" Should Go Hungry. Poster Contest Guidelines:

When will kindergarten registration open in 2022?

Online Kindergarten registration for 2022-2023 will open in late January 2022.

When are monthly support circles in 2021?

Monthly meetings beginning November 2021, 4:00-5:00 p.m. We all need support during these challenging times. Monthly support circles provide a protected, safe, nurturing space to receive and give that support. Come to share, learn, and grow as a school community. We are always stronger together.

Is Norwood Creek in the direction of donation drive?

Norwood Creek Direction Donation Drive has begun. Please consider contributing what you can to help keep our Infinite Possibilities continuing into the future for our students to succeed and strive beyond our beliefs. This years focus will be enrichment for all students. We will be recognizing and rewarding students and families who participate. The Direct Donatin Drive (DDD) will last through the end of this month. Thank you in advance for your donations.
