carter g woodson middle school parent portal

by Deja Gusikowski 10 min read

Chromebook Turn-in (CGW in-person students only)

Attention all CGW In-Person students & parents: In January, we began the process of collecting Chromebooks and chargers to be cleaned, updated and returned to classrooms. Thank you to those of you who have already done this! However, at this time, we are still missing many Chromebooks and chargers.

CodeRVA Application Open for All 8th Graders

We are excited to let you know about an amazing opportunity available for all interested 8th grade students who want to apply for CodeRVA. CodeRVA is a Regional Governor's School in Richmond, Virginia that focuses on technology, computer programming and engineering.

January 21- Virtual Learning Day Schedule

Tomorrow (January 21st) is a Remote “Virtual” Learning Day for students. Please visit your Google Classroom for each class to find the zoom link to your live virtual class. Follow the schedule attached by clicking "Read Full Story" for the times to login & attend classes.

CGW Winter Concert

Join us Thursday Dec. 16th at 6:30p to hear music played by our amazing CGW Band and Choir Students. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Early Release Day (Sept. 23rd)

Thursday September 23rd is an Early Release Day for students. Please click "Read More" to view the in-person and virtual class times for students.

Application for Virtual Learning (CGW)

For families who want to switch from in-person to virtual learning now, a registration is needed. Please click "READ MORE" fill out the registration form to have your child participate with virtual learning for the rest of the semester.

CGW Scholastic Book Fair

The CGW Scholastic Book Fair is Nov. 8th - Nov. 12th from 8:30am- 3:00pm in the Library Media Center. Students will have the opportunity to visit the fair during their ELA classes.

Math Homework Hotline

Tune in to Math Homework Hotline at 6 p.m. for your chance to win prizes and call in for help with your math questions. Watch on Spectrum 635, Frontier 32, or visit .

Out of Field Teachers Notice

All educators in Florida are monitored to ensure they meet certification and training requirements as mandated by law. Per Florida Statute 1012.42, when a teacher is assigned teaching duties out of the field in which the teacher is certified, the parents of all students in the class shall be notified in writing.
