cayuga isd parent portal

by Paul Bashirian Sr. 7 min read

How do I contact Cayuga schools about discrimination?

● All other concerns regarding discrimination: See the superintendent, Dr. Joe Satterwhite, 903-928-2102; email - [See policies FB, FFH, and GKD.]

What is mycayugahealth and how do I login?

Welcome to MyCayugaHealth! Your portal for your Cayuga Medical Center healthcare record. If you are already enrolled, log on by entering your ID and Password to review your health information.

Can I see my student's grades on the parent portal?

You should now be able to see your student's grades. Click here for the Ascender ParentPortal Manual.

How do I link my student to the ascender parentportal?

Once logged in, Click Link an Enrolled Student 9. Enter ParentPortal ID and Birth Date of Student. Click Add 10. You should now be able to see your student's grades. Click here for the Ascender ParentPortal Manual.


What is Cayuga's academic program?

Consistent with our desire to provide an environment that facilitates learning, Cayuga’s academic programs are grouped in schools that offer students the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors and peers. Schools bring cohesion to academic programs, enabling students to bond and form friendships that last a lifetime.

Is Cayuga Community College affordable?

Cayuga is Affordable. As a SUNY institution, Cayuga is one of the most affordable institutions in the country. At $208 per credit hour for NY State residents, Cayuga Community College’s tuition rate makes taking courses with us a Smart Choice!
