cca parent portal login

by Darby Maggio DVM 10 min read

How do I get started using the parent portal?

To get started using the Parent Portal, click on the button at right that most closely describes you: I want to apply for child care services through CCA — Apply for Child Care Services

What's on the CCA Community Dashboard?

THE CCA COMMUNITY Dashboard Thriving Browse Thriving Reframe: A Safe Return to CCA Creative Citizens in Action Division of Student Affairs Dean of Students Student Life International Student Affairs and Programs Housing, Dining & Residential Education Counseling Services Health + Wellness Student Handbook New Students Decolonial School

How do I contact CCA if I forgot my customer ID?

Forgot your Customer (TWIST) ID? Click here to complete a short form, and a CCA representative will contact you. Welcome Parents! This Parent Portal will allow you to request changes or updates to certain information specific to you, such as your child care provider, children in care, co-pay fees, and more.

What kind of Education does CCA offer?

High school: CCA’s high school serves students in grades 9-12. The curriculum is designed to guide each student into a successful future – whether they choose to attend college or a technical school, or enter the military or workforce after graduation. Math, science, English and social studies continue to form the core curriculum.


COVID-19 Service Industry Recovery

In order to address the impacts of COVID-19 and to support Texas’ continued economic recovery, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has approved funding to support a new COVID-19 SERVICE INDUSTRY RECOVERY child care program to help low-wage workers in TWC-specified service industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Children are the most valuable asset; therefore it is essential that you become good consumers of services that support you and your family.

New Policy Alerts

As new policies are enacted, information will be posted here for you to view. Click an item to expand the view.
