cccr parent portal

by Alana Williamson 8 min read

How do I register as a CCRC provider?

CCRC has an online Provider Portal which will allow you to access and manage your child care payment information through the Internet. Click on the button below to get started. If this is your first time registering click on the Register button located at the bottom of the Login screen.

What is ccr&r infant toddler specialization?

The CCR&R Infant Toddler Specialization is designed to provide a training and coaching experience that will enhance and improve the quality of infant-toddler child care in the state of Tennessee. Who can apply?

Where can I find ccr&r’s regional online calendars?

For better connection to your local CCR&R team, we have moved to regional online calendars. These calendars can be found on the regional pages or from the “Training” dropdown menu above. CCR&R training certificates will be issued to participants with verified registration and attendance for all online and in-person trainings.

What is the Indiana CCDF Family Services website?

This website was developed to offer hands on, user friendly information to Indiana families who receive CCDF services.


Quality Start San Bernardino

Quality Start San Bernardino (QSSB) is Quality Rating and Improvement System designed to increase quality in early learning experiences by providing improvement support, professional development opportunities, and educational tools.

Not Familiar with CCRC?

CCRC serves over 50,000 children and families each month in Northern Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties – working effectively with parents, child care professionals, community members.

What is the Tennessee Child Care Resource and Referral Network?

As an organization, the Tennessee Child Care Resource and Referral Network is committed to the cause of racial equity for not only our staff, but the early childhood educators, children, and families that we serve.

How many child care centers were built in Tennessee in 2000?

Eventually, the Tennessee Department of Human Services would decide to take Ms. Marguerite’s dream statewide. By 2000, DHS funded 11 Child Care Resource Centers located across Tennessee.

Does CCR&R have a central calendar?

TN CCR&R will no longer provide a central online calendar. For better connection to your local CCR&R team, we have moved to regional online calendars. These calendars can be found on the regional pages or from the “Training” dropdown menu above.
