ccdf voucher parent portal

by Brent Legros 6 min read

What is the Indiana CCDF Child Care attendance tracker?

This website was developed primarily to offer hands on, user friendly information to Indiana CCDF child care providers about the child care attendance information that is recorded in your Point of Service (POS) device and used to calculate your CCDF payments.

What is the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)?

All families deserve to have access to the same opportunities. The Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) program is designed to ensure that low-income families in Indiana have equal access to child care and educational opportunities.

What is the Indiana CCDF Family Services website?

This website was developed to offer hands on, user friendly information to Indiana families who receive CCDF services.

What is the CCDF policies database?

The CCDF Policies Database is a comprehensive, up-to-date database of child care subsidy policies for the 56 CCDF state and territory grantees.


How many hours a day does CCDF provide child care?

licensed provider may decide to offer child care services 24-hours a day. CCDF children are to be assigned, according to their service need, to one of two 12-hour shifts (6pm to 6am or 6am to 6pm or other shift defined and approved by the Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning). The provider may not enroll more than their licensed capacity during either 12-hour shift. A child who needs care that would overlap during these shifts shall be assigned to both

What is the purpose of CCDF?

Department of Health and Human Services to amend the Child Care and Development Block Grant. The purpose of the CCDF program is to have one single, integrated child care funding system to assist low-income families through subsidized child care and to increase the availability and quality of child care services.

What is late attendance in child care?

Late Attendance is defined as a payment request from a child care provider resulting from an incorrect payment for services provided. This must be submitted through the Provider Website for additional payment for a weekly, hourly or daily voucher when payment was less than the authorized subsidy and attendance was recorded inaccurately.

What is a CCR&R agency?

The Child Care Resource and Referral is an agency serving each Indiana County to help families make decisions about quality child care for their children. CCR&R agencies also offer various training opportunities and other business and child care resources to providers.

What is POS in child care?

The term to describe the process of electronically documenting a child’s attendance through the use of a Point of Service (POS) device located at the child care center, home or ministry.

How many hours does a week voucher cover?

Weekly voucher provided for twenty-five (25) hours or more per week, Sunday through Saturday, for non-school age children or school-age children when school is not in session or when care is required during non-traditional hours. For school-age children, when school is in session, full time care is defined as ten (10) hours or more per week Sunday through Saturday.

What is a child care record?

An electronic or written record of child care provided which includes date and time of arrival and departure and has been verified by the parent/guardian for an identified period.

How many characters are in a password?

You can use any combination of letters or numbers in the User ID. The User ID is case-insensitive. Your password must be between 10 and 16 characters long and must have a combination of numeric, uppercase alphabetic character, lowercase alphabetic character and a special character (_, #, or $).

Can a child care provider log into parent/guardian portal?

Child Care Providers are not authorized to perform Parent/Guardian Web Portal user registration on behalf of primary cardholders. Only the primary cardholder is authorized to log in to Parent/Guardian Web Portal after successfully registering to it. Child Care Providers are not authorized to log in to Parent/Guardian Web Portal using primary ...


CCDF Funding Resources

CCDF State and Territory Plan Resources

  • FY 2022-2024 State and Territory Plan Preprint
    The CCDF Plan serves as the application for the CCDF funds by providing a description of, and assurance about, the grantee’s child care program and all services available to eligible families. This page includes information about the FY 2022—2024 CCDF state and territory plans, which …
  • Preliminary Reports from FY2022-2024 State and Territory CCDF Plan Preprint
    The following reports include the initial CCDF Plan data submitted by states and territories as of July 1, 2021. The preliminary reports and information are subject to change. The Plans are currently under review and will become effective as of October 1, 2021. For more detailed inform…
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Data and Reporting Resources

  • CCDF State, Territory, and Tribal Reporting
    CCDF grantees are required to submit a variety of reports to ACF. These reports are used to determine compliance with spending requirements, count how many children are being served, measure improper payments, and see what grantees have planned for the program over the nex…
  • CCDF Administrative Data Tables
    These tables provide administrative information about the CCDF program. The tables include data submitted by states and territories on the ACF 800- Annual Aggregate Child Care Data Report and the ACF 801- Monthly Child Care Data Report.
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Resources For Implementing CCDF Reauthorization

  • CCDF Reauthorization Resource Page
    This page includes resources to help CCDF Lead Agencies implement the reforms included in the reauthorization of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act in 2014. Reauthorization made important changes that focused on reforming child care in this country to …
  • CCDF Final Rule FAQs
    This page provides responses to frequently asked questions about the CCDF final rule published on September 30, 2016.
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Resources Related to Child Care Research

  • Child Care and Early Education Research Connections Visit disclaimer page
    Child Care and Early Education “Research Connections” promotes high-quality research in child care and early education and the use of that research in policymaking. Through this website, Research Connections offers research and data resources for researchers, policymakers, practit…
  • Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) Compendium Visit disclaimer page
    The QRIS Online Compendium is a catalog and comparison of quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS) to promote thoughtful design, analysis, and ongoing improvement in early care and education systems building.
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Training and Technical Assistance Resources

  • Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance System Page
    The Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance System (ECTTAS) brings together resources from the Office of Child Care (OCC), the Office of Head Start, and their health partners to offer CCDF Administrators and their stakeholders information, tools, training, and other suppo…
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Fundamentals of CCDF Administration

  • The Fundamentals of CCDF Administration (The Fundamentals) website is a comprehensive resource for state/territory and tribal administrators, lead agency staff and partners. The Fundamentalshas recently been revised to reflect the Child Care Development Block Grant Act of 2014 and the CCDF Final Rule. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act is the …
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