ccms parent portal

by Hollis Boyer 10 min read

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

Welcome Parents! This Parent Portal will allow you to request changes or updates to certain information specific to you, such as your child care provider, children in care, co-pay fees, and more. By registering, you will receive benefits such as being able to submit requests to be processed by a CCA staff person, sign up for text alerts, and more.

Who is CCMS Tarrant County?

WHO WE ARE. Child Care Management Services (CCMS) is a program managed by Child Care Associates through a contract with the Workforce Development Board. CCMS provides subsidized child care to families in Tarrant County, Texas.

What does CCMS stand for?

WHO WE ARE Child Care Management Services (CCMS) is a program managed by Child Care Associates through a contract with the Workforce Development Board. CCMS provides subsidized child care to families in Tarrant County, Texas.

How do I view my child's information in the portal?

Enter the PORTAL CODE. The PORTAL CODE always remains 0900 plus a Student ID Number (for example, 0900 11111) Enter the PORTAL CODE, the USERNAME that you created when you set up your child's account, and PASSWORD to view your child's information such as report card, attendance, and progress reports.


COVID-19 Service Industry Recovery

In order to address the impacts of COVID-19 and to support Texas’ continued economic recovery, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has approved funding to support a new COVID-19 SERVICE INDUSTRY RECOVERY child care program to help low-wage workers in TWC-specified service industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Children are the most valuable asset; therefore it is essential that you become good consumers of services that support you and your family.

New Policy Alerts

As new policies are enacted, information will be posted here for you to view. Click an item to expand the view.

Building Calendar

BOE Business Meeting ~ 6:30 P.M. Executive Session & 7:00 P.M. Regular Business Meeting CES Cafetorium

News & Announcements

Please join the BOE for their monthly Business Meeting on Monday, February 28, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at CES. BOE will meet in Executive Session, to discuss Personnel Matters, at 6:30 p.m. for BOE members only.

Our Mission

provide a secure and nurturing environment of diverse learning opportunities for all students.

Child Care Subsidy Programs

Child care is an important support for working parents. For children, access to high-quality child care programs can have enormous benefits. However, child care looms as one of the largest household expenses for today’s families. The annual cost of center-based care for one infant exceeds the average one-year cost of tuition in a public college.

Affordable child care pays off for everyone

Child care is an important support for working parents. For children, access to high-quality child care programs can have enormous benefits. However, child care looms as one of the largest household expenses for today’s families. The annual cost of center-based care for one infant exceeds the average one-year cost of tuition in a public college.

Unfinished Instruction Support Plan

As a result of the pandemic, students need more support to master grade-level standards than in previous years. CMS has crafted a plan that ensures that students consistently receive grade-level materials, tasks, and assignments, and have appropriate support to help them demonstrate success.

Grading Plan

The new CMS K-12 Grading Plan allows for students to receive specific feedback for continuous growth, academically and socially-emotionally, ensuring all students are set up to be independent and successful learners.

Covid-19 Information

The well-being, health and safety of students and staff is our highest priority. As our students return to in-person learning, we recognize the COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving. Visit the Covid-Saftey page for CMS protocols and practices for the 2021-22 academic year.

PowerSchool Parent Portal

Parental involvement is critical to a child's education. That's why CMS has provided a user-friendly web application to help parents and families become more involved in education. Parents can check their child's homework assignments, attendance reports, grades and other items from any computer, any time using PowerSchool.

Reporting Absences

Click here to go to your child's school homepage. Look for the following button and fill out the form regarding your child's absence from school.

Title IX Lessons

CMS is launching a new website in 2022. Share your feedback so we can improve. Take the survey today!
