ccsd chsn parent portal

by Mr. Tanner Walker V 8 min read

What does CCSD stand for?

Charleston County School District (CCSD) is the second-largest school system in South Carolina representing a unique blend of urban, suburban, and rural schools that span 1,000 square miles of coastal

What is the parent portal and how do I use it?

The Parent Portal allows parents to view their child’s schedule (grades 6 to 12 only) , live attendance (Absences and Tardies only) and grade book assignments; as well as view and print report card grades and interim reports Already have an account? Login | Mobile Login

What information is available in the student portal?

The Student Portal allows high school students to view their own schedules, live attendance (only Absences and Tardies), and grade book assignments; as well as view and print report card grades and interim reports.

Why read the digital edition of focus on CCSD?

Read the Digital Edition of Focus on CCSD. Focus on Charleston County School District is published for, by and about CCSD, the state of South Carolina's premier school district where Students are the Heart of our Work. CCSD employees, directly and indirectly, influence our scholars every day with little to no intention on being recognized.


Crew Interest Meeting

There will be an informational meeting for all girls and boys interested in trying out for the Varsity Crew team on March 1st, 6:30pm at Clarkstown South High School in room 121.

Baseball Open Gym Workouts

Baseball open gym winter workouts have started. Students interested in participating should email Coach Stefania Open gyms are an opportunity to get reps and have no bearing on the spring season tryouts.

Yearbook and Yearbook Ad Sales

This is the last week to order a yearbook or place a personal yearbook Ad. February 21st is the last day. Don't miss out on an amazing yearbook. order at:

Football Meeting

There will be an important informational Football Meeting on Tuesday, March 1st at 2:05 in the annex gym for all current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders interested in playing. Important Information will be discussed about the 2022 Season. Any questions, please contact Coach Trongone

Rockland Read-In

Today is the 38th Annual Rockland Read-In. There will be “Silent Library” all day for reading. Many English classes will be counting minutes reading too. Come get a library book if you don't have one. We are competing with other Rockland High Schools for the most minutes read. So, let’s get reading North!

When is the CCSD football jamboree 2021?

The inaugural event will be at Robert E. Hayes Field at the District 2 Regional Stadium on August 13, 2021 (starts at 5:30 p.m.). View the schedule.

What is James Island Charter High School's first state title?

James Island Charter High School made its first appearance in the boys' soccer state finals since 1997 count, as the Trojans held off Eastside 1-0 to win the South Carolina High School League AAAA championship. This is the program's first-ever state title.

Who sponsored the STEM sign day in South Carolina?

Congratulations to Kristian Washington of West Ashley High School and Academic Magnet High School's Alex Williams. They participated in the fifth annual South Carolina STEM Signing Day earlier this month. The event, sponsored by Boeing South Carolina, recognized 92 students (two from each county in the state) that intend to pursue college degrees in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields of study.
