cedar parent portal

by Dr. Sherman Dickinson 5 min read

How do I use the life school Parent Portal?

The Life School Parent Portal allows you to view attendance for your students, update contact information, and set your communication preferences. It also allows you to view grade information. Videos are provided below to help you create your initial account or access an existing account.

What can I do with the parent portal?

After setting up your Parent Portal, you will be able to access all of your student's information (attendance, assighnments, grades) along with account balances, notifications, and online payments from one spot. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Do parents/guardians need their own login to access Infinite Campus?

Parents/guardians must obtain their own login—it is important that they do not use their student’s login to access Infinite Campus. Are you new to Cedar Rapids Community School District or unsure if you have an Infinite Campus account?

Why does Cedarville University have an authorization procedure?

The authorization procedure may seem cumbersome, but it is in place to help Cedarville University stay in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.



After setting up your Parent Portal, you will be able to access all of your student's information (attendance, assighnments, grades) along with account balances, notifications, and online payments from one spot.

Accessing and Setting Up your Parent Portal

If this is the first time setting up your parent portal you will want to click on the "Create Account" tab above the login.

How do I create an Infinite Campus account?

Parents/guardians who are new to CRCSD will receive an Infinite Campus account after completing registration for their student. Parents of current CRCSD students who do not have an Infinite Campus account should contact their student’s school to set up an account.

How do I reset my Infinite Campus password?

1. If you have forgotten your password, under the login box, you can click on the blue link titled “Forgot your password?”

How do I update information in Infinite Campus?

Parents/guardians can update their information every year from July 1 to September 30 during annual verification. If information needs to be updated after October 1, parents/guardians can update contact information and addresses in the parent portal. Parents/guardians can also contact their student’s school to make changes.

How do I log in to Infinite Campus?

To learn how to log in to Infinite Campus, watch the video below. An additional video in Swahili is in the resources at the bottom of the page.
