cedars parent portal

by Eulah Kilback 9 min read

Why the Cedars School?

Welcome to The Cedars School, independent education with a Catholic ethos for boys aged 11-18. Combining a rigorous academic curriculum with an outstanding personalised tutorial system, our rich and varied co-curricular programme ensures that boys receive an all-round education.

How can I discuss a Cedars education with my son?

To discuss a Cedars education for your son, please get in touch and I would be delighted to meet you and show you around our wonderful school. The Cedars Symposium is a resource for parents and educators, providing podcasts, articles and reviews on a wide range of topics.

When will students return to Cedars International Academy?

Students will return to campus on January 5, 2022. Mrs. Contreras, our Cedars International Academy Counselor, shares this month's newsletter through the link below. Cedars International Academy Schools are open enrollment, tuition-free public charter schools serving grades PreK – 12th.

What is Cedars International Academy?

Mrs. Contreras, our Cedars International Academy Counselor, shares this month's newsletter through the link below. Cedars International Academy Schools are open enrollment, tuition-free public charter schools serving grades PreK – 12th. We are a small community of teachers, staff, and families committed to preparing children for the future.


Latest News

The Cedars Board Of Directors have approved the 2022-2023 academic year calendar. Highlights include teachers returning on August 8, 2022, students return on August 15, 2022 and the last day of school for students on May 31, 2023. Summer school at the Crowley Campus will begin on June 1, 2021 and end on July 7, 2023.

We Are A Community Of Learners

Cedars International Academy Schools are open enrollment, tuition-free public charter schools serving grades PreK – 12th. We are a small community of teachers, staff, and families committed to preparing children for the future. With high academic expectations, we build on the strengths of each child.

What People Are Saying..

Cedars International is the best school I've ever attended as far as education goes. It has been the best education experience I've ever had.
