cedarville university parent portal

by Samara Walker 5 min read

Why does Cedarville University have an authorization procedure?

The authorization procedure may seem cumbersome, but it is in place to help Cedarville University stay in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Why choose Cedarville University?

Cedarville University athletes play hard on the field, court, or track, but more importantly, they seek to honor Christ with everything they do, including their sport.

How do I Grant my Parent (s) access to cedarinfo?

Using CedarInfo, choose the Parent Access Maintenance link. You should see your parent (s) names listed and either ADD or REMOVE beside their names. If your parents are not listed, please contact the Office of the Registrar. To grant your parent (s) access, click on the ADD link beside their name.

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Academic Calendar

Check out a few of the most important dates in the semester, such as breaks, registration, final exams, and commencement.

Career Planning

Your student's career success is our priority. Our top-ranked career services office provides resources to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop resumés, find internships, apply for jobs, and network with professionals in their field.

Cell Phone and Computer Discounts

Information Technology is committed to providing your students with an integrated, broadly-accessible information, voice, and video communications technology infrastructure - whether a University-provided computer or SPC (self-provided computer).


This resource allows the University family to purchase and sell everything from books and furniture to cars and clothing.

Emergency Website

Receive real-time information in the event of a campus-wide emergency, such as University closings, severe weather, and power outages.

Graduate Program Scholarship for Parents

Qualified Parents of a currently enrolled Cedarville undergraduate student will receive a 15% tuition discount scholarship on eligible graduate programs.

Key University Contacts

For your convenience, we've compiled a list of the most-used campus contact information for parents.

End-of-Year Tax Information

Cedarville University is required to provide students a 1098-T tax form for tuition payments by January 31. We will notify your student when this link is available.

Discounted Graduate Programs for Parents

Did you know that as a parent of a Cedarville undergraduate or dual enrolled student, you automatically qualify for a 15% tuition discount scholarship on most graduate programs at Cedarville? You'll experience the same high academic quality and biblical worldview that your student is experiencing in a convenient online format.

Livestream the Annual Christmas Concert

As a reminder, our annual Christmas concert is this Sunday, December 5! Each holiday season, Cedarville University presents a special Christmas celebration concert as our gift to the local community and our campus family. We’d like to extend this gift to you, wherever you are.

Join Us for Christmas at Cedarville

We invite you to be a part of two special events at Cedarville as we usher in the holiday season and celebrate what we're all about — Jesus! Join us either in person or via livestream wherever you are. Christmas is a special time at Cedarville, and we invite you to be a part of it!

With Thanksgiving

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" – 1 Chronicles 16:34

Student Business Sparks Gospel Conversations

We'd like to pass along information from another student-run business from the Integrated Business Core that is using their company to reach the lost.

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving break for undergraduate in-person classes is next week, Wednesday, November 24, through Monday, November 29. If you're like my wife and me, you are excited to have your student home for a few days! Please be praying for our students as they travel home.

Announcing Plans for Fall 2021

Lord willing, it’s time to get back to normal starting in August! We can’t wait to welcome you to Cedarville and see all that God will do next year!

Career Services

Start preparing for your career now! From choosing a major to writing the perfect resume to preparing for a job interview, Career Services provides help every step of the way.

Resound Radio

Resound Radio features a 24/7 stream that can be heard online, and offers on-demand programming targeted specifically at the student body of Cedarville University.

Yellow Jacket Athletics

Cedarville University athletes play hard on the field, court, or track, but more importantly, they seek to honor Christ with everything they do, including their sport.
