centennial elementary infinite parent portal edmond ok

by Brent Bayer 7 min read


If you wish to be included in the Edmond Public Schools Text Messaging System, please text "Yes" to "67587". Once you have opted in, you will be able to receive information regarding emergency announcements, school announcements, and bus announcements applicable to your student.

Student Accounts

You will login using your Active Directory (network) login. You should have signed up to the Self-Service Password Reset Portal following these instructions. If you did not and need to reset your password, you need to contact the Tech Spec or Media Center at your site.


Centennial's Spirit Night for February will be different from our usual nights. We're having a Build-A-Friend Night from 5:00 - 6:30 on both Open House nights. You can put your animal together or take it to go. For more information and to preorder your friends, please see our store listing HERE.


Have you been a Buffalo for a while and remember when we had Family Fun Night? Well it's back this school year! The date will be Friday, April 22, 2022 from 5:30-8:00PM.

Stay Connected

Follow Centennial PTO on Facebook for timely updates on what's happening at Centennial Elementary.

Parent Portal

Infinite Campus provides parents, guardians and students with real-time access to course schedules, assignments, grades, attendance and report cards for grades 6-12.

Mobile App Set Up

After you have created a parent portal account, you will be able to install the mobile app to get information when you want it, anytime, anywhere from your IOS or Android Device. Your school will have information about how to use the mobile app.
