centennial elementary school parent portal

by Princess Padberg 5 min read

Can I use the Centennial ISD12 Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

Use of the Centennial ISD12 Infinite Campus Parent Portal implies consent with the ISD12 Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy . For mobile device instructions, click here .

What is the slogan for Centennial High School?

Click under Parents and Students link to find the information!! School Office Hours! PTC Meeting!! Dec. 10th @3:30 Centennial’s Motto: “Excellence for all...Whatever it takes!" compassionate and intrinsically motivated individuals.

What's your school doing to support Centennial?

All CPS schools are participating and encouraging staff, students and parents to support their school. Centennial is raising money for a book vending machine. If you have any spare change, please have students turn money into their teacher any time this week.

What is student council like at Centennial?

More than 25% of our 6th graders at Centennial serve on the Student Council! They do a wonderful job and are so helpful to teachers, aides, and admin at our school.


Safe Return to School Following Icy Weather

As we prepare to return to school on Friday, February 25, safety is our top priority. We encourage everyone to take extra care on the way to school in the morning, to bundle up and, if needed, check bus information at www.pisd.edu/latebus. Read our full Safe Return to School message at https://bit.ly/3vg8vNO.

Superintendent Sara Bonser Announces Retirement

After 33 years of service in public education (25 of those years in Plano ISD), Superintendent Sara Bonser informed the Plano ISD Board of Trustees on Tuesday, January 25, that she will retire as superintendent at the end of this school year in order to spend more time with family at a critical time. Read more.

Intra-District Transfer Requests for 2022-23 School Year

Families in kindergarten-12th grade who wish to request a school transfer for their student for the 2022-23 school year, should visit the Student Transfers page at www.pisd.edu/pisdtransfer .

Flexible E-Learning Days

Learn more about Flexible E-Learning Days that will occur if schools are closed due to inclement weather or an emergency.

Technology Information

Find out more about technology accounts along with resources to assist students and parents.

Talking with Children About Equity and Diversity

Centennial has compiled a list of resources to help you talk to your student about equity and diversity.

Safety and Security at Centennial

Visiting a Centennial school? Learn more about how to check in at the school site, safety and security upgrades, including A.L.I.C.E., the District's response to intruder threat.


The District has an anti-bullying policy in place, and the new legislation--the Safe and Supportive Schools Act--has expanded the responsibilities of bullying and cyberbullying prohibition for school districts.


Information on how to enroll in the Centennial School Districtt, grades kindergarten-12.

Parent-Teacher Communication (pdf, 184 KB)

Communicating with your child’s teacher leads to success in the classroom.

COVID-19 Information and Updates

Stay up-to-date on COVID-19 guidance and information, including details about testing, vaccination clinics, as well as links to the OSD Pandemic Safet...

Interested in being a substitute paraedu..

If you have a passion for volunteering but due to COVID safety precautions have not been able to do so, the role of a substitute paraeducator may be j...

Sign Up for OSD Text Messaging Notificat..

Are you interested in receiving text message alerts from the Olympia School District, but aren’t sure how to get signed up? No problem, we’ve got you ...

Countdown to Kindergarten 2022

Parents and guardians of incoming kindergartners are encouraged to attend this event to learn about transitioning to kindergarten in the Olympia Schoo...

Community invited to Balanced Calendar W..

The community is invited to a one-hour Zoom webinar on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 to learn about balanced calendar and ask questions.

Author to speak at Capital HS: Saturday,..

Capital High School invites staff, families and the community to a presentation by author, speaker and educator Erin Jones on Saturday, March 5 at Cap...

Board approves legislative and funding p..

The Olympia School Board has unanimously approved a resolution outlining the district's legislative and funding priorities for the 2022 Legislative Se...


Please visit Buckley Page for information on what your child should do when "At-Home Learning Days" are called for. Due to significant student and staff absenteeism, Alpine District Schools will move to at-home learning on Friday, January 14 and Tuesday, January 18. Face-to-face learning will resume on Wednesday, January 19.


We're glad you're here! Click below to read more about our school's mission, vision, and values. You can also make a donation to our school or to a specific teacher or grade level.


ASD is hiring substitute teachers! Interested in subbing at Centennial or any other school in ASD? Click below for more information!


We are excited for another year of the Reading Hall of Fame! If you or your child have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Buss. HAPPY READING EVERYONE!


Student safety is our priority! Click below to learn about our Standard Response Protocol at Centennial Elementary.


Please visit Buckley Page for information on what your child should do when "At-Home Learning Days" are called for. Due to significant student and staff absenteeism, Alpine District Schools will move to at-home learning on Friday, January 14 and Tuesday, January 18. Face-to-face learning will resume on Wednesday, January 19.

Ticket Tower Celebration Video!

Click to watch the full slideshow! Our ticket tower is FULL! Centennial students receive tickets for being safe, respectful, and responsible. Teachers may use the...

Ticket Tower Celebration Video!

Click to watch the full slideshow! Our ticket tower is FULL! Centennial students receive tickets for being safe, respectful, and responsible. Teachers may use the...

Andy Luebbe

Centennial Families...an invitation to a parent night will go home today with K-4 students. Please tear off the bottom and fill out the form and return on Thursday. On March 1 from 6-7 PM we will have a parent meeting to share more information about Proficiency Reporting. Families are invited. Pizza and a cookie will be served to your family.

Andy Luebbe

Centennial Families...just a reminder that we do have school tomorrow. We are back to our regular calendar. Also, it is that time of year where the weather is up and down. It will be cold in the morning and warm up in the afternoon. We will go outside in the morning and for recess if it is above 20 degrees.

Andy Luebbe

Centennial Families...The Centennial PAC meeting is Monday, 2/7 at 6:30 pm in the library. Hope to see you there. Also, Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Tuesday, 2/8 from 4-7:30 and Thursday, 2/10 from 1-3:30 or 4-7:30. Contact your child's teacher if you have not received your scheduled time.

Andy Luebbe

Centennial Families...just a reminder that we do not have school on Friday, January 28 or Friday, February 4 due to a district calendar change. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be on February 8 and 10 and there will be no school for students on February 10, 11 and 14.

Nicole Anderson

I love Public Schools because I am able to show my students how to give back to the community that supports them. We are lucky to live in such a great city that is so supportive in providing our students wonderful Public Schools to learn! ~Ms Hiner, 4th grade view image
