central secondary school parent portal

by Rene Kiehn 8 min read

What is the SchoolTool Parent Portal?

The schooltool Parent Portal allows you to enter into an exciting partnership with your child and the Valley Central School District. Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which you are able to view district-permitted details of your student’s academic records.

What is the Valley Central parent portal?

Parent Portal Valley Central School District recognizes the critical role that parents and guardians play in their child’s education. The schooltool Parent Portal allows you to enter into an exciting partnership with your child and the Valley Central School District.

What are the features of the parent portal?

Middle School/High School: Student Demographics, Progress Reports, Assessments, Schedules, Attendance Records, Bus Routes, Course Requests (HS Only) Web-based in it’s communication, Parent Portal allows you access to your student’s profile via the internet anytime, anywhere.

What information system does Central Bucks school use?

The Central Bucks School district uses Infinite Campus as its student information system. The Parent Portal allows parents/guardians to view schedules, attendance, immunizations, and assessment information.

What is parent portal?

What is Valley Central School District?

What browsers use SchoolTool?

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What is parent portal?

Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which you are able to view district-permitted details of your student’s academic records. Web-based in it’s communication, Parent Portal allows you access to your student’s profile via the internet anytime, anywhere.

What is Valley Central School District?

Valley Central School District recognize s the critical role that parents and guardians play in their child’s education. The schooltool Parent Portal allows you to enter into an exciting partnership with your child and the Valley Central School District.

What browsers use SchoolTool?

SchoolTool is best viewed when using Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Safari 5.0 or higher, Google Chrome 40 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox version 35 or higher . An ActiveX Print Control must be installed on all Internet Explorer clients that will require printing of reports.

Welcome to the Clayton A. Bouton High School and Voorheesville Middle School Parent Portal homepage

The Clayton A. Bouton High School and Vooheesville Middle School are pleased to offer to parents access to student information through an online portal. The objective of this effort is to increase student success by increasing the level and quality of communication between parents and teachers.

Navigation Tips

After you first login you will be directed to a page that shows the students associated with the login account as well as school announcements and a log of the account activity. Click on a student’s name to view their records.

What is parent portal?

Parent Portal is a highly secure, internet-based application through which you are able to view district-permitted details of your student’s academic records. Web-based in it’s communication, Parent Portal allows you access to your student’s profile via the internet anytime, anywhere.

What is Valley Central School District?

Valley Central School District recognize s the critical role that parents and guardians play in their child’s education. The schooltool Parent Portal allows you to enter into an exciting partnership with your child and the Valley Central School District.

What browsers use SchoolTool?

SchoolTool is best viewed when using Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Safari 5.0 or higher, Google Chrome 40 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox version 35 or higher . An ActiveX Print Control must be installed on all Internet Explorer clients that will require printing of reports.
