ceres parent portal

by Kenna Larson 7 min read

Why choose Ceres elementary school?

The Mission of Ceres Elementary School is to provide a positive, interactive, safe and caring environment for every child. With the support of our staff and supportive parents your child will have an opportunity to become proficient on State Standards and achieve high levels of academic proficiency.

Is Ceres going digital?

Ceres is Going Digital! Please make sure your Parent Portal accounts are up to date! Congresswoman Linda Sanchez Visits Ceres Elementary! Click on the title link to view East Whittier City School District’s COVID-19 Prevention Program and School Guidance Checklist. Ceres is Going Digital!

What are some good things to do at Ceres?

Healthy Snacks for Families! Promotional Videos for Our "Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program" Grant! Student Artwork to Celebrate "Black History Month" at Ceres! Our Music Program's Virtual Holiday Show! Escuela familiar los sábados por la mañana en la escuela E. J. Patten


COVID-19 Safety Information

Click on the title link to view East Whittier City School District’s COVID-19 Prevention Program and School Guidance Checklist.

COVID-19 Safety Information

Click on the title link to view East Whittier City School District’s COVID-19 Prevention Program and School Guidance Checklist.
