cfbisd parent portal

by Elenora Mueller 9 min read

Why choose CFBISD for school choice?

From Pre-Kindergarten to high school, CFBISD is committed to providing a reliable infrastructure of programs that will spark students' interests. Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD is very pleased to offer school choice!

Can a CFBISD student transfer to another school?

In-district transfer applications are allowed for current CFBISD student for the following school year during an open transfer window or when a current student moves and wants to remain at his or her current campus year-round AFTER the move. School to school transfers for current students are not allowed during the school year.

How do out-of-district admissions work at CFBISD?

Students attending CFBISD under an out-of-district admissions must provide their own transportation to and from school. Students will be approved for admission based on space, availability of building capacity, grade level staffing limitations, a lottery process, and upon meeting all required criteria.

What Pre-K programs are available at CFBISD?

Parent Self Serve Programs of Choice Athletics Discover Dual Language Pre-Kindergarten Free Pre-K Out-of-District Pre-K Information Pre-K Options for CFBISD Employees Pre-K FAQ Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum Tuition-Based Pre-K Spark STEM Academy STEAM Gifted & Talented Academy Command Coding Academy Imagine Fine Arts Academy Culinary Arts


When is the next transfer window for CFBISD?

CFBISD Transfer Requests for the 2021-2022 School Year. CFBISD offers two open transfer windows annually for the upcoming school year (December 2, 2020 – January 29, 2021 and March 31 – April 15, 2021). Current students may only request transfers in one of those windows.

What grades can transfer students be in?

Transfer students in grades 6-8 may participate in all activities. Athletics: In most cases transfer students in grades 9-12 can expect to be ineligible to participate in varsity level competitive athletics for a period of at least one year from the first date of attending the new campus.

Is 21-22 school year online?

Enrollment for the 21-22 school year is 100% online, please follow the steps below. If you need assistance, we have staff available by phone and by appointment to help you with the online enrollment process. You can call your school to schedule an appointment.

Can a student be ineligible for varsity sports?

No, the student athlete would be ineligible to play varsity sports for one year from date of enrollment back into the home campus as the student athlete was granted varsity eligibility for “first opportunity” at the previous school. He or she may play on the sub varsity teams for that one year of ineligibility.

Who qualifies for Out-of-District Admissions?

Families living outside the CFBISD boundaries and who meet the criteria are eligible to apply for the out-of-district admissions program.

What is Out-of-District Admissions?

Families living outside the boundaries of the district have an option to choose Carrollton-Farmers Branch School District (CFBISD).

What is the geographic area included in out-of-district admissions?

Students living outside of the district boundaries are eligible for applying for Out-of-District Admissions.

Do I qualify for Out-of-District Admissions?

All applications for out-of-district admissions are required to meet the following standards.

What is the process for being accepted for Out-of-District Admissions?

You may apply online at any time during the year to be considered for acceptance. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

What documents do I need to complete my out-of-district Admissions and Enrollment?

Admissions and Enrollment are two separate processes. Enrollment will be online in February. You must apply to be admitted before you enroll. To prepare for the enrollment application, you will need the following documents ready to upload:

Can the Out-of-District Admission be revoked?

Repeated failure to abide by the rules specified in the CFB Student Code of Conduct.
