If you have an email account like me@chadwickschool.org, you should sign in using your G Suite™ account. If you don't have a Google account, sign in using the form below.
At Chadwick International, education is an adventure. Here, students don’t just learn — they thrive. Each day, exciting opportunities in and outside the classroom foster a genuine love of learning that shapes students into the confident leaders they were born to be. Why Chadwick? Admission
We look forward to having you a part of the Chadwick Studios Dance Family. Lets create an account by going to “First time here” and click create account. Making sure you fill in both parent & student details. Click here to view tutorial.
The CIPA is a volunteer-based program that fundraises and hosts memorable events like the Ice Cream Social and International Week, where different cultures are celebrated with traditional food, games, music and dancing. The efforts of the CIPA directly support our students.
STEM at Chadwick immerses students in exciting and experiential learning that prepares them for success out in the real world.