chambers k12 parent portal

by Mrs. Roma Eichmann Sr. 6 min read

Why choose Chambers County school system?

The Chambers County School System’s mission denotes, “The Chambers County School System, in partnership with parents and the community is dedicated to producing skilled, responsible graduates by providing and supporting high quality, highly effective public schools.”

Where is the school district in Chambers County Alabama?

Chambers County is located in East Alabama, and our school district is located halfway between Montgomery and Atlanta, a short distance from the Georgia state line. This creates a unique problem in that the school system is located in dual time zones (Central and Eastern).

What is the K12 enrollment center?

Your central hub for all K12 re-registrations and enrollments. If you're new to the Enrollment center, also referred to as the "Parent Portal", please get started by creating an account. If you have created an account, please enter your username and password to login.

What is the College Board code for Chambers JROTC 3634?

The School's College Board Code is 340708. HARRIS TEETER Please give the cashier your VIC Card and the school's Together In Education number during checkout. The number for Chambers JROTC 3634


Who was the first woman to be the principal of a school?

In the year 2000, Priscella Pearson Holley became the first woman to hold the title of principal at the school. W. F. Burns was accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in December of 2003.

When was the W. F. Burns Middle School built?

W. F. Burns Middle School has a rich history in our community. The first Building of this legacy was built in 1905. It served young African-American students in the Fairfax community from first grade through ninth grade. In 1934, Mr. H.C. Talley became principal and served until 1942. At this time, Mr. William F. Burns became principal.

Why was W. F. Burns named W. F. Burns Middle School?

F. Burns Junior High School in honor of William F. Burns. In 1999, the school’s name changed again to W. F. Burns Middle School due to the addition of the 6th grade. In the year 2000, Priscella Pearson Holley became the first woman to hold the title ...

What is Chambers County School System?

The Chambers County School System’s mission denotes, “The Chambers County School System, in partnership with parents and the community is dedicated to producing skilled, responsible graduates by providing and supporting high quality, highly effective public schools.” This mission was established through a complex process of developing a strategic plan that included the Superintendent, Board, staff, community members, parents, and students. The process was facilitated by Marcia Burke with Burke Enterprises, a consulting firm located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. We envision a school district where each student is given multiple opportunities to excel in academic, social, emotional, and physical development in a safe environment.

What is the purpose of collaborative decision making in school?

Innovative, effective school leaders will use collaborative, data-informed decision making for continuous improvement in student achievement. High expectations and performance standards for student and adults will be consistently monitored, measured, reported and used to improve student achievement.
