chandler school ditrict parent portal

by Grady Lynch 7 min read

CUSD Annual Report

The CUSD administration and Governing Board presented the annual “state of the district” message to community leaders on January 31 in the Governing Board Room. Click for details and to download a copy of the CUSD annual report.

NetTutor: FREE Online Tutoring

NetTutor offers K-12 CUSD students live FREE tutoring on-demand, question drop-off, and writing feedback. Click for details.

2022-2023 Registration and Open Enrollment

Kindergarten and Pre-K 2022-23 registration begins January 5. Open Enrollment for ALL grades begins January 10. Click for details.

Check Out Our State Champions!

We are proud of the championship level athletics offered in Chandler Unified School District -- the premier district of choice! Click to check out our latest State Champions.

Forbes ranks CUSD 2021 Best Employer in State

Chandler Unified School District tops Forbes' 2021 America's Best Employers By State list for Arizona! Click for full story.

Veterans Day 2021

CUSD schools commemorated Veterans Day to honor all those who served and continue to serve our country. Click to see the photo album.

Check Out Our Brags!

There are a LOT of great things going on in our district and schools — honors, awards, community service projects, special programs we offer and accomplishments. Click here to spread the word, and to see the things we're doing!

Does Chandler Park Academy have a reading test?

For the past few years, Chandler Park Academy Elementary has assessed K-3 students three times per year and has provided support for students who are below grade level in reading. All third-grade students will be required to take the state assessment at the end of the year. This year, third-grade students who are one or more years below grade level in reading on the state assessment will require additional procedures to continue to fourth grade. At that time, affected families will receive written notice from the State of Michigan about possible retention and the process for a good cause exemption. Although our schools focus on early literacy throughout the school day, we still need your support as family involvement plays a vital role in a child’s academic success.

Is a CPA device a property of the school district?

Please remember that your assigned device is the sole property of CPA School District. The privilege of CPA being able to provide these devices to our students is made possible via Federal Grant Funds. CPA must ensure that these devices are properly maintained and kept free from damage in order to receive future funding.

How does online learning help parents?

The online lessons allow parents to use this program at home, work, on their phone, or anywhere they have access to the internet.

What is Parent Backpack?

Parent Backpack is an online application that replaces the PowerSchool Parent Portal. With Parent Backpack, you are able to view your child's grades, school attendance, and any discipline incidents when you are logged into the system. Best of all, Parent Backpack works on any device and is mobile friendly. With the old PowerSchool Parent Portal, it required a school code to create your mobile account. Parent Backpack is mobile compliant and the Parent can log in with their email and password.

Does PowerSchool have a parent backpack?

Best of all, Parent Backpack works on any device and is mobile friendly. With the old PowerSchool Parent Portal, it required a school code to create your mobile account. Parent Backpack is mobile compliant and the Parent can log in with their email and password. To access Parent Backpack, go HERE and create an account.
