channel islands high school parent portal

by Ayden Heaney 8 min read

Why should I join the parent portal program?

We are inviting you, as parents, to join the Thousand Islands School District Parent Portal program. By joining this program, you will have instant, online, timely, and secure access to school information about any of your children who attend Thousand Islands School District.

How do I login to the parent portal (SchoolTool)?

Once a user has logged in for the first time, and changed his/her password, the user simply needs to navigate back to the Parent Portal (SchoolTool) web page, enter their username and password, and click on the Login button. Students: A listing of all students that "belong" to the logged-in parent.

What information can a parent see on a student's profile?

A parent may have the right to click on a student's select button, to see all of the students details. Campus: A parent will see general campus information. Account: To change passwords.

How do I change my username and password in the parent portal?

Click on the Parent Portal icon at the top right of the TICSD website. Where it says "Username", type your full e-mail address (from step 1, above). The words "New User or Forgot Password" will appear on the screen, in blue. Click once on these words. You will see the screen refresh (flash), and you will be prompted again to enter your username.


Who are the teachers of AVID 3?

AVID Channel Islands’ AVID-3 students, along with teachers Mr. John Grennan and Mr. Ramiro Mares, visited UC Santa Barbara on Tuesday as part of their college exploration unit. Students and a counselor from UCSB’s Educational

What is the California Healthy Kids Survey?

The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency. It is administered to students at grades five, seven, nine, and eleven. It enables


Enrollment is online. Visit Online Enrollment for more information and to complete the enrollment process.

Requesting Transcripts

Please allow 5-7 business days for processing. You will be contacted when the transcript is ready to be picked up.

What is the Thousand Islands School District Parent Portal?

By joining this program, you will have instant, online, timely, and secure access to school information about any of your children who attend Thousand Islands School District. Specifically, you will have online access to your child’s contact information, schedule, grades and attendance data. You will also have access to five week progress reports and quarterly grades for each class in which your child is enrolled. Some teachers may also post assignments, assignment grades and test grades.

What is a parent screen in a student?

A parent will be presented with a screen containing three tabs: Students: A listing of all students that "belong" to the logged-in parent. A parent may have the right to click on a student's select button, to see all of the students details. Campus: A parent will see general campus information.
