charter oak parent portal

by Dr. Selina Kovacek III 8 min read

What is Parent Portal?

Parent Portal is parent access to student information. It allows parents to view their student's records in real-time. When a grade or attendance mark has been entered, you'll be able to see it right away.

How do I use the life school Parent Portal?

The Life School Parent Portal allows you to view attendance for your students, update contact information, and set your communication preferences. It also allows you to view grade information. Videos are provided below to help you create your initial account or access an existing account.

How do I login to mycharteroak as a student?

Need help logging into MyCharterOak? Click on Login Help . Once you login you will have access to the Student Self Service tab, where you can: Once enrolled, ALL communications will be sent your Charter Oak Email account only. Therefore, we highly encourage you to set up the forwarding feature listed below.

How long does it take to process a Charter Oak account request?

The account request will be processed within 24 business hours. Before registering, please view our Academic Calendar for important registration and refund deadlines, as well as the Course Registration tab to view our current course offerings and register for courses. Looking to earn a degree through Charter Oak?


When is the charter Oak public hearing 2021?

Post-Map Public Hearing: July 22, 2021 - First Public Hearing on Trustee Area Maps. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Charter Oak Unified School District at a board meeting to be held at 6:30 p.m. on July 22, 2021, at the Adult Education Center - Multipurpose Room, 1115 E Puente Street, Covina, ...

When is District of Choice application due?

District of Choice (DOC). Applications are only available from October 1 - December 31 for the 2022-2023 school year.

What information is collected when you enroll in school?

Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected. Upon completion, the school-site is electronically notified that you have completed the online enrollment process and they will be ready to take your required documents when you stop by their office.

When will District of Choice be available in 2021?

District of Choice Applications will be available October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021, for the 2022-2023 school year. District of Choice (DOC). Applications are only available from October 1 - December 31 for the 2022-2023 school year. We are unable to accept any DOC applications from Azusa, Rowland, or Pomona USD.

When will the 21-22 data confirmation open?

21-22 Data Confirmation will open on July 19, 2021. Data Confirmation can be completed on a smartphone, computer, chromebook, or tablet. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations.

When can I apply for District of Choice 2022-2023?

When can I apply for the District of Choice (DOC) program for the 2022-2023 school year? Applications will be accepted beginning October 1.

Is enrollment required for Charter Oak USD?

This Enrollment process is NOT necessary for any student that was enrolled in a Charter Oak USD school during the 20-21 school year and is moving up to the next grade level. Only NEW students starting Kinder/TK or coming from another district need to complete this process.


Registration is now open for Spring Term 2 and Summer. Please contact your advisor for clearance. Returning Students notice: Any new registration’s processed after the Thursday registration deadline (each term) are considered late and will be assessed a Late Registration fee of $70. Please check the academic calendar for registration deadlines .

Identity Verification

Please log in at the top of the page to use this portlet. If you ARE logged in, then you are not authorized to use this portlet - it is only available to users in certain roles within the portal

Visiting Students

If you wish to take a course as a visiting student, there is no need to complete an application for admission. Simply fill out our Registration Request form. We will then send you your username and password that will allow you to register for a course. The account request will be processed within 24 business hours.

Current Students

Once you login you will have access to the Student Self Service tab, where you can:
