cheektowaga sloan parent portal

by Ellen Labadie 9 min read

Class of 2024 Can Drive

Click here for information about the upcoming can drive to support the class of 2024.

Vandalism at JFK

Please click here to read an important letter from Mr. Julian regarding recent vandalism at JFK High School and Middle School.

Yearbook Information

Click here to order your copy of the 2021-2022 JFK High School Yearbook.

Important Updates for JFK MS & HS

Click here to read a letter from Mr. Julian with some important updates.


We provide a positive, safe environment that encourages ALL learners to strive for excellence.

Central Registration

Thank you so much for your interest in enrolling your son or daughter in our school district. We are excited to announce our new central registration system at our district office, which now allows parents and guardians greater flexibility throughout the process.

What is eSchoolData parent portal?

The eSchoolData Parent Portal is a cutting-edge communications tool designed to increase your involvement in your student's education using the power of information. The eSchoolData Parent Portal allows for instant online access to current, relevant information that will enhance your involvement with your student’s academic career.

What is the online registration link for a school?

The Online Registration link is used by parents who are new to the district and need to register their students. If your students are already registered in the district but you have not been given a User ID and Password, please contact the district.

How to verify parent/guardian email?

If the parent/guardian has received an email with their User ID and temporary Password, click the link in the email to verify the email address. Once the email address is verified, click Login

What is the message function in a student portal?

The Messages function allows parents/guardians to communicate with staff members about a specific student. Parents/guardians can access the Messages inbox for a student in two ways: from the My Students list on the Portal homepage and from the icon toolbar when viewing the student’s information.
