cheshire east parent payment portal

by Sophie Reynolds 3 min read

What is ePayments Cheshire East Council?

Schools ePayments Cheshire East Council has introduced a service that enables parents to order a range of services and products from schools and pay for them by credit or debit card via the internet.

Can I pay my child’s School using ePayments?

Please do not use the system until your child’s school has informed you that they are ready to accept payments using the facility. If you need help, please see our Schools ePayments parents guide.

How do I use the online payments?

You can use the online payments if you have a reference number for each bill being paid. You can find the reference numbers on your bill or invoice. An invoice with an eight digit invoice number beginning with 4, or eleven digits starting with 117

How do I make a partial payment to the school?

To make a partial payment you need to click on the edit button, this will give you the opportunity to enter the amount you want to pay, and also to add a message which will be emailed to the school office when payment is approved.


When is the deadline for Cheshire East School Admissions 2021?

The deadline to inform us of your decision is 30 April 2021. To find out more about the application process, please visit the Cheshire East Council website at: Cheshire East School Admissions. Cheshire East Council (CEC) is committed to protecting the personal information we hold of people who use our services.

When will primary school start in 2021?

Starting Primary School in September 2021 - Offers will be available to view on your online account from 16 April 2021. Please log into your account from this date to view your offer and to accept/decline the place offered. The deadline to inform us of your decision is 30 April 2021.


This page gives details about using the online school shop facility provided by Cheshire East Council.

Registering to use the system

Parents are responsible for creating their own logon details, school will not be able to help with your details.

Your children

Once you have signed onto the system you need to add your child’s details. Details of more than one child can be entered into the system.

Important Notice

It is your responsibility to maintain your child’s details. This includes when they change class in September, or if they change school.

Ordering things

When you logon to the system the names of the children that you have linked to your account will be displayed. Clicking on the start shopping link, next to the child’s name will take you to the appropriate school shop. Here you can add items into the shopping basket, increase or decrease the quantity of an item or remove it altogether.

Paying for things

When you’ve finished adding things to your basket and it’s time to pay click on the view basket link. This will display the contents of the basket, you can increase or decrease quantities and remove things from the basket.

What is step 6 in a child's entitlement?

Parents should sign the form each subsequent term under step 6 (continuation of free entitlement funding claim ), confirming there are no changes to the claim for example the number of hours to be claimed remains the same. If any of the details change, including the child’s address, parents need to complete a new form.

What is EYPP in education?

EYPP is available to improve teaching and learning facilities and resources to impact positively on an eligible child’s progress and development. This is an additional amount paid directly to the provider with the FEEE payment.

How much does EHIP pay?

An EHIP is an annual payment of up to £1,000 for parent carers of disabled children under the age of 18 to purchase support for themselves that would enable them to take a break from their caring responsibility.

Who manages EHIPs?

EHIPs are managed by the Children with Disabilities Short Breaks Team. For full guidance about EHIPs please see the EHIPs Parents/Carers guidance document below. If you would like to apply for EHIPs please contact CWD Short Breaks Team on 01625 378083 or email

Is EHIPs the best way to support a child?

If a child or young person is not able to access any activity independently or with a carer, therefore the parent carer is unable to receive a break from their caring responsibility, then EHIPs is not the best way of supporting the child or young person.
