chester morrison parent portal

by Dr. Rozella Kling 7 min read

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

The Parent Portal is a tool specifically developed for parents of students in grades 3-12. Chester County School District is excited to offer a means for parents to monitor their child's grades and attendance, sign up for electronic progress reports, view school bulletins, and even receive email notifications through an online portal.

What is the relationship between parents and Morrison's Academy like?

Morrison's Academy enjoys a close relationship with parents at all levels of their children's education, and we believe that the children benefit from the partnership between home and school. As a Morrison’s Academy parent, you will have access to our Parent Portal.

How do I contact Chester Academy for help with the portal?

Note: If you are having issues logging into the portal, please contact the Chester Academy Main Office for assistance at 845 469 2231 for such questions. For any/all questions of assignments in the portal, please contact the teacher directly. If you do not get an answer, please contact the Guidance Office or the school secretary for such questions.

How can parents monitor their child's grades and attendance?

Chester County School District is excited to offer a means for parents to monitor their child's grades and attendance, sign up for electronic progress reports, view school bulletins, and even receive email notifications through an online portal.


What happens if you leave the parent portal open?

C. You will be automatically logged off if you leave the Parent Portal web browser open and inactive for a period of time.

Can parents share passwords?

1. Parents should not share their password with anyone and should not set their browsers to auto login to the portal. Please see the letter sent home for more information and all rules explained. 2.

What is parent liaison?

Our Parent Liaison Groups provide a means for parents to communicate with the School on matters of operational management as well as contributing to the development of School policy. They allow parents to bring matters of general parental concern to the attention of the School Management Team and Governors, and provide opportunity for constructive exchange on matters relating to the improvement of the whole school.

Why is Morrison's Academy a MAPA?

MAPA was founded to promote a connection between the school and parents in the interests of the well-being of all pupils. All parents of Morrison's Academy pupils automatically become members of MAPA. Morrison’s Academy is a strong community of pupils, parents, staff and governors. We’re sure you will feel welcome.
