childcaregroup parent portal

by Celestine Brakus 3 min read

What is the provider portal for child care providers?

Welcome Child Care Providers! This Provider Portal will allow you to request changes or updates to certain information specific to your program, such as hours of operation, holidays, rates that you charge to the public, and more.

Where can I find more information about being a child care provider?

For more information, visit As a child care provider you not only shape the lives of children, you guide parents in raising their children, assist them with getting CCA services, and help them access other resources they may need to support their family.

How do I get started using the parent portal?

To get started using the Parent Portal, click on the button at right that most closely describes you: I want to apply for child care services through CCA — Apply for Child Care Services

How do I transfer my child care provider to another program?

Parents must give a two week notice to the existing child care provider before services can be authorized to begin at a new child care program. All assigned parent fees must be paid. You will be contacted by a ChildCareGroup employee to confirm the transfer request.


How long is the Parent Portal open?

The Parent Portal is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is mobile-friendly. You (parents) can log in to the Parent Portal using your ACCESS account user ID and password . The Parent Portal is updated immediately when changes are made to an authorization, so your information is always current. View your child care authorizations.

How long can you view child care subsidy?

You can even view up to three months of subsidy amounts. Request a new authorization, end an authorization, or make changes to a current one if your schedule changes, or if you need to change child care providers. If there is an error with your child’s authorization, contact your local agency immediately or submit a Parent Portal request ...

Can parents log into the Parent Portal?

You (parents) can log in to the Parent Portal using your ACCESS account user ID and password . The Parent Portal is updated immediately when changes are made to an authorization, so your information is always current. Confirm the correct provider and location is listed.
