childwatch parent portal wild lilac

by Dr. Murphy Stehr 5 min read

What is ChildWatch software?

ChildWatch is an all-in-one tool for managing your childcare. ChildWatch is a 100% cloud-based childcare software service. Save value time & money, provide convenience to parents. Professional software for your business. Low monthly fees provide opportunities to all childcares.

Is ChildWatch a trusted company?

Serving the childcare industry since 1997, ChildWatch is established and trusted. It is state-of-the-art and was designed for the basic computer user in mind. It's easy to use and affordable.

What is ChildWatch ePay?

Give customers what they have come to expect - the convenience of electronic payments. ChildWatch ePay offers a secure and cost-effective option for your customers.

Do parents pay a nominal fee?

Secondly, parents pay a nominal convenience fee when making payments. This helps us to recover slightly from the low-priced merchant account. Nominal convenience fees are commonly accepted and help businesses like yours to experience tremendous savings.

Philosophy and Goals

Welcome! YMCA ChildWatch is a quality program designed to provide care for children from 8 weeks old to 11 years of age, while parents are exercising or participating in YMCA programs.


Parent Concerns As a parent of a child enrolled in the YMCA ChildWatch, if you have a suggestion, question, concern or complaint about the program, the conduct of the staff or the policies, the best course of action to take is: 1. Talk to the staff when you pick your child up. 2. Talk to the Program Coordinator. 3.

Health and Safety

Sign In and Out policies A parent or an authorized adult must accompany each child in and out of ChildWatch each day. Children will not be released to an unauthorized person. Parents must provide in writing if someone other than themselves are picking their child up from ChildWatch.

Program Policies

Registration and Immunization records Registration forms and immunization records are required for the use of ChildWatch. It is extremely important to keep the information on these forms up to date. The YMCA must be notified of any changes immediately and immunization records need to be updated each time your child receives updated shots.
