chisholm parent portal

by Odell Denesik 9 min read

How to contact Chisholm Public Schools in Utah?

Chisholm Public Schools 305 Utah Enid, Oklahoma OK 73701 Phone: 580-237-5512 Fax: 580-297-5494

Is Chisholm Elementary School part of Edmond school district?

Chisholm Elementary School – Part of the Edmond School District Skip to content Chisholm Elementary School Toggle Menu Calendar Search TextSubmit First Day Fun Home District Our School Chisholm History

What is Chisholm Middle School known for?

Chisholm Middle School is a 2021 National Blue Ribbon Recipient. Chisholm Public Schools was voted best public school in Enid News & Eagle's 2021 Best of Readers' Choice Awards Congratulations to Carly Maly, CES and District Teacher of the Year!

What is the new theme for Chisholm Elementary School?

Chisholm Elementary Motto Learn More 2021-2022 Theme: Peace Love & Chisholm Helpful Tips Recent News News Archive Move Carousel LeftMove Carousel Right December 2, 2021 Congratulations to first grade teacher Nikki Spence! August 10, 2021 We know everyone is so excited and so ready for this Back to School season!


It's Time for a new Semester!

We are ready for a new semester! We hope that everyone had a great holiday break. Hopefully you were able to rest and enjoy some time with family during the time off. January and February will be a busy time in our school year.

Spring Parent Teacher Conferences

Our Parent Teacher Conference Dates for the Spring semester will be Tuesday, Feb. 8 from 3:30-8:00pm and Thursday, Feb. 10 from 3:30-7:30pm. You student's SDL teacher will be reaching out to you prior to those dates to set up a conference time.

8th Grade Tours at Newton High School

For our 8th Grade students, it's time to start thinking about planning for next year. All 8th grade students will go to Newton High School on Jan. 26 or 27 to take a tour and get information about class opportunities for them. NHS counselors will also visit with students about enrollment.

Food Drive and Warm Feet Campaign Successes

Our Food Drive and Warm Feet Campaign events that we held in December were both huge successes! Thank you to all of the students, families, and staff who supported these drives. We were able to donate over 1,300 pounds of food to the Harvest of Love and over 200 pairs of socks to those in need in the Newton community.

Chisholm Shirts

We were able to use some fundraising money from 2020 to purchase Chisholm shirts for all of our students and staff. We are so excited to have the opportunity to give every CMS student one of these shirts. Now everyone can show off our Chisholm pride around town!

School Dance Success

We had a very successful school dance on Dec. 10! We had an awesome turn out of students and great support from our staff to help out. We had not had a Chisholm dance in nearly two years. Everyone who attended (students and staff) had a great time!

Holiday Music Concerts

Our Chisholm Band, Orchestra, and Choir students all held successful holiday concerts. The hard work of our students and teachers was evident in the fantastic performances by each performing group. Great job Mr. Bucklin, Mrs. Schloneger, Mr. Girton, Mr. Ives, and Mr. Bergman!
