ck family foster parent portal

by Prof. Antoinette Herzog Jr. 10 min read

Are You considering becoming a Ck foster parent?

We are excited that you have decided or are considering becoming a foster parent through CK Family Services. There is a continuous and ongoing need for additional adoptive and foster families to care for children in our foster care system. Below is a list of the six steps you will take on your journey to become a CK Foster Family.

What is the purpose of the CK family services foster care program?

The purpose of the CK Family Services foster care program is to provide quality care in a family setting for children and adolescents who cannot remain with their families. The primary mission in our foster care program is to support children and their families of origin in their reunification efforts, whenever possible.

How did you discover CK family services?

I discovered CK Family Services by searching on Google, Yahoo, Bing or other Internet search tool. I discovered CK Family Services during a foster care and adoption information meeting. Someone I respect referred me to CK Family Services. If you are human, leave this field blank. Our team will help you as you take off on this new journey.

What is adoption and foster care?

Our Adoption and Foster Care program licenses foster homes, verifies adoption families, and assists kinships families in obtaining permanency for children. We want to ensure that every child in foster care is matched with a family that is qualified and skilled at meeting the child’s specific needs.


What is a CPS caseworker?

The CPS caseworker is responsible for the legal portion of the child’s case and for working with the biological family of the child. Covenant Kids is licensed through the state as a child placing agency.

What is Covenant Kids?

Children come to Covenant Kids for foster care placement through Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS is the agency through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services that receives and investigates referrals of abuse and/or neglect.

What is respite care?

Respite care is an excellent ministry for families who have a heart to bless children but who are not able to do foster care full time. Respite care providers are people qualified and trained to provide temporary supervision and care to foster and adoptive children.

How old do you have to be to be a foster parent?

Foster and adoptive parent (s) need to be mature couples or singles over 21 years of age who: Have a love for and commitment to children; If married, must have been married for at least one year for foster care and two years for matched adoption;

What is a LOC in foster care?

Their LOC is used to determine the least restrictive and most appropriate type of placement for a child (basic care foster home, therapeutic foster home, psychiatric facility/hospital, or residential treatment center) and what services need to be provided while in care.

How long does it take for a child to be reunited with their birth family?

Sometimes a child who is placed in foster care is not able to be reunited with their birth family, other relatives or kinship caregivers during the 12-18 month service plan issued by the court. In these situations the court will typically sever the legal relationship between the child and their biological parents.

What happens when a child is unable to return home to their biological family?

When a child is unable to return home to their biological family, their foster family will have the opportunity to adopt them as apart of theirs. This is a beautiful opportunity for a family to offer a child a forever family. The termination of parental rights and the legal process of adoption are complex procedures.

What is CK treatment?

CK Treatment Foster Care is a paradigm shifting program that is empowering the high-needs children of foster care to achieve their full potential by bringing them back to community-based nurturing homes.

Can we replace the ongoing care and support that our families provide to their children?

We can never replace the ongoing care and support that our families provide to their children, but our hope is to partner with you in developing and strengthening their life skills. Our team aims to provide trainings in the comfort of your home to ensure recovery of behavioral health disorders.

What is a professional foster parent?

Professional Foster Parents are an essential part of the Treatment Team. You provide the child with a safe home, where you can meet their physical and emotional needs. Professional Foster Parents work in the Treatment Team to develop and implement interventions and make decisions in the best interest of their child.

How many nights can a foster parent be in relief care?

Relief care can range from one night up to fourteen consecutive nights, but most relief care will be less than seven consecutive nights. Treatment Relief Parents must be licensed Foster Parents prior to providing treatment relief services. They can be adult individuals or adult couples with or without children in their home.

What is relief parents?

Relief parents will provide families (and the children in their care) with a temporary break to promote stability in the home and enhance the success of the treatment program. Our hope is that Relief parents will become a natural part of a family’s support system.

Do foster parents work in Texas?

There is a desperate need for foster parents to work with high-needs kids in Texas. These kids have experienced multiple changes in placements and have likely been in Residential Treatment Centers or Psychiatric Hospitals.

CK Behavioral Health Referral Form

Thank you for choosing CK Behavioral Health for your Child or Youth's behavioral health needs. Please complete this form to the best of your ability with as much information as you are able to provide. After tapping the submit button we will get to work on it and will be in touch soon.

Referral Source Information Section

Briefly describe the reason you are making this referral including specific behaviors, emotions, challenges at home or school and other symptoms. *

Service Delivery Method

CK Behavioral Health provides services through two methods; 1) Traditional through which our staff and client are in the same room at the same time or, 2) Telehealth where our staff visit with our client via secure video calls (involving a smartphone, tablet, or computer) to provide services.

Child or Youth's Risk Screening Section

Is the Child/Youth at risk to experience placement or school disruption, abuse, neglect or exploitation? *
