claires court parent payment portal

by Alicia Wolff 10 min read

Why choose Claires Court School?

Within its dining rooms Claires Court operates a cashless catering system. This is a convenient system that allows parents to pay for lunches in advance online. It also enables us to serve food quickly and efficiently, as well as reduce the amount of cash circulating within the School.

How do I contact Claires Court for queries about food provision?

If you have any queries about our food provision or questions regarding your child’s purchases using cashless catering, please contact Stephen Rhodes, Domestic Bursar or 01628 327371. These and items for break may be brought in from home but we request they are prepared* in line with our Healthy Eating and Allergy policies.

How do I use the payment portal?

Through the Payment Portal you can top up cashless catering, review your child’s dining room purchases, pay for trips and activities. Details on how to use it are below, for further assistance please email the Finance Office . • Use any of the e-mail addresses you have provided to the Registrar.

Can I pay my school fees through the pay portal?

We regret that School Fees cannot be paid through the Pay Portal. The School’s terms and conditions are for payment of Fees by directdebit. The school has formed an excellent partnership with parents, who are highly satisfied with the education provided.


What year do you have to give consent to Claires Court?

If your child is in year 5 or above, you are required to give your consent via our Pupil Information Form to enable us to setup your son or daughter with a cashless catering account using biometric information for identification purposes in the Live Register system, ready for their start at Claires Court.

What is biometric consent?

Under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (sections 26 to 28), we are required to notify each parent of a child and obtain the written consent of at least one parent before being able to use a child’s biometric information for an automated system.

How does Live Register work?

Payment will be authorised through the Live Register system using biometric information taken from the scanned image of an individual’s finger which generates a unique digital signature for identification purposes. This image is not stored and cannot be used by any other system.

How to withdraw consent from a school?

You may withdraw consent at any time by writing to the school.

Does a catering account require biometric information?

Your consent relates to the use of biometric information only as a catering account is set up for all pupils on the School roll. If you intend to provide your child with a packed lunch (and therefore do not want your son or daughter access to their catering account at break or lunch times) then please contact our Domestic Bursar who can tailor an account to meet individual requirements.

When are fingers scanned?

Pupils’ fingers will be scanned on their first day and thereafter whenever necessary.

When are pupils' photographs taken?

Pupils’ photographs are taken on their first day and annually every autumn.

How many collections are there in a school term?

In the instalment scheme there are three cycles corresponding to the three school terms. Each cycle consists of four collections by direct debit. Three collections are made in advance for the tuition fee and these are taken on the second working day of each of the three months immediately preceding the start of the relevant term. The fourth collection is for any extras identified on the relevant Fee Invoice and is taken on the first day of term.

What is a full term notice?

A full term’s notice, in writing to the Head, is required for the withdrawal of a pupil from the School or from any chargeable extra subject, otherwise a term’s fees will be payable in lieu of such notice.

What insurance is included in the school PTA?

All Fees include personal and dental accident insurance and pupil’s personal effects insurance , membership of the School PTA and membership of the Fees Refund Scheme.

What is a sixth form?

Sixth Form – the provision of a Chromebook or similar and its maintenance and support during the student's stay in Sixth Form. The device becomes the personal property of the student on the completion of the agreed programme of study. NOT INCLUDED IN THE FEES.

When is termly fee due?

The termly fee due is advised on a Fee Invoice that is sent out on the last day of each term. Payment is due before the first day of the term to which they relate. An administration charge of 2% per month or part thereof is levied for late payment.

When is the first cycle of tuition fees?

The first cycle will cover the Autumn term tuition fees with collections at the beginning of July, August and September, the second the Lent term (October, November and December), the third the summer term (January, February and March).

Is the registration fee refundable?

The registration fee is non-refundable and payable with the submission of a Registration Form. Registration places the pupil on the entry list, however it does not constitute an offer of a place.


Menus are on a three weekly cycle. The dates for each week are marked for guidance. Please view the menus here .

Junior Girls

Menus are on a three weekly cycle. The dates for each week are marked for guidance. Please view the menus here . An estimated average cost of lunches is around £15.50 per week.

Junior Boys

Menus are on a three weekly cycle. The dates for each week are marked for guidance.

Senior Boys

Menus are on a three weekly cycle. The dates for each week are marked for guidance.

Senior Girls and Sixth Form

Menus are on a three weekly cycle. The dates for each week are marked for guidance.

Allergen Legislation

From 13 December 2014, the School is required to implement the new Allergen Legislation.
