clarity lcps parent portal

by Gina Hills 4 min read

How to: Self Management

Rationale: Self-management strategies are shown to be effective ways to teach or grow the independence skills in monitoring and managing one's own behavior.

How to: Setting Expectations

Rationale: Expectations are the behaviors we expect from another person. Oftentimes our expectations are not communicated clearly to those around us, which can lead to miscommunication and frustration. Setting expectations means that you have decided on the expectations and have communicated them clearly to the other person.

How to: Setting Up The Environment

Rationale: Teachers plan their classrooms to meet the needs of their students. Each child is taken into consideration when arranging the classroom environment to support student engagement. Most home environments are not set up like classrooms.

How to: Choosing Reinforcers

Rationale: Deciding on what to use for reinforcement can be very challenging. Some children have many likes, while others have very few. A child can like something but not be willing to complete a task in order to receive it.

How to: Using Reinforcers

Rationale: Providing reinforcers immediately following the desired behavior will increase the likelihood that a desired behavior will occur again. Withholding a reinforcer while the child is engaging in an undesired behavior will decrease the likelihood that the behavior will occur again.

How to: Schedules And Routines

Rationale: A schedule is a laid-out structure or plan on how and when tasks and activities will be completed. A routine is established by repeatedly following a plan. Having a set schedule will offer you and your child consistency, allowing for the establishment of routines.

How to: Creating A Token Board

Rationale: Token boards are a visual representation of expectations for the learner. Token boards come in various designs, from fancy laminated internet templates to glass pickle jars with coins. Token boards should be individualized and accessible for the child. Creating a token board can be simple and made with materials found in your home.

Linq Registration Portal & Instructions (Online Forms for Parents)

More Linq Registration Information for Parents Please ignore the Health Screener and Athletics sections. LCPS is not currently using those items.

PowerSchool Parent Portal

Parents with students at Lunenburg County Public Schools may apply for access to our parent portal. Simply contact your school's guidance department to start the process.
