clarkston high parent portal

by Marianne Stiedemann Sr. 7 min read

What is the address for Clarkston High School?

Clarkston High School 618 N. Indian Creek Drive Clarkston, Georgia 30021 Phone 678.676.5302 HOME district home parent portal school nutrition bus routes Clarkston High School Additional Resources HomepageAbout UsAdministrationStaffAcademicsMedia CenterAthleticsOnline Registration Button DISTRICT CALENDAR Superintendent's Newsletter

How do I pay for events and activities at Clarkston High School?

You can now make online payments for events and activities at Clarkston High School. If you need to make a payment, you can use this link. Translate We're on Social Media Tweets by mightyangoras District Home Parents School Nutrition Bus Routes

Does Clarkston Community School perform background checks on volunteers?

The following information is to provide clarification and consistency in the procedures for performing background checks on individuals that volunteer in the Clarkston Community School district. The State of Michigan requires by law that school districts perform background checks of school employees.



In order to provide a consistent delivery of email communication to our district's most current mailing lists, we will be utilizing parent contact information in Synergy ParentVUE to send all official building and district communications.

Lunch Accounts

If you would like to add money to your child's account, you may do so using Students who receive meal benefits (free/reduced) must reapply every year. Please use to apply or reapply for the 2019-2020 school year.

Subscribe to eBlasts

In order to provide a consistent delivery of email communication to our district's most current mailing lists, we will be utilizing parent contact information in Synergy ParentVUE to send all official building and district communications.

Volunteer Background Check

The following information is to provide clarification and consistency in the procedures for performing background checks on individuals that volunteer in the Clarkston Community School district.

Kids Connection

For more information about Kids Connection, our before and after school childcare program, please visit the Kids Connection page.

Pay-to-Participate (E-Funds)

Make an Athletics "Pay to Participate" payment using e-Funds for Schools.

Home of the Wolves

Our website is your one-stop shop for everything you need to have a successful school year! We'll provide useful links below, but you'll also want to check out our Student and Parent Pages for links and downloads you can use all year. Can't find what you need? Call our office at (248) 623-3600. Let's get started

You belong here

Our website is your one-stop shop for everything you need to have a successful school year! We'll provide useful links below, but you'll also want to check out our Student and Parent Pages for links and downloads you can use all year. Can't find what you need? Call our office at (248) 623-3600. Let's get started
