clarkston high school parent portal

by Amina Gottlieb 6 min read

What is the address for Clarkston High School?

Clarkston High School 618 N. Indian Creek Drive Clarkston, Georgia 30021 Phone 678.676.5302 HOME district home parent portal school nutrition bus routes Clarkston High School Additional Resources HomepageAbout UsAdministrationStaffAcademicsMedia CenterAthleticsOnline Registration Button DISTRICT CALENDAR Superintendent's Newsletter

How do I pay for events and activities at Clarkston High School?

You can now make online payments for events and activities at Clarkston High School. If you need to make a payment, you can use this link. Translate We're on Social Media Tweets by mightyangoras District Home Parents School Nutrition Bus Routes

Does Clarkston Community School perform background checks on volunteers?

The following information is to provide clarification and consistency in the procedures for performing background checks on individuals that volunteer in the Clarkston Community School district. The State of Michigan requires by law that school districts perform background checks of school employees.


How long does it take to get a Clarkston school application?

Please NOTE** this process takes approximately 2-3 days. You will receive a series of 3 or more email messages; FIRST - Stating the application has been Approved Posted or Provisional Approved (Posted); SECOND - from Clarkston Registrar stating the student has been enrolled; THIRD - an email from the counselor. Please send the student to the school AFTER receiving the schedule from the counselor.

When is the registrar at the school?

If you are needing REGISTRATION assistance, the registrar will be available from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. It is not necessary to call the school; the Registrar will be at the front door to assist.

Do you need parent portal access to infinite campus?

You will need Parent Portal access to Infinite Campus.

2022-2023 Online Enrollment will open Monday, February 14, 2022

Central Enrollment staff is pleased to provide our parents with online enrollment for new or re-enrolling students residing within our district boundaries to Clarkston Community Schools.

New Parents

You are new to the district, and do not have students enrolled in any CCS program including Dolls/SPICE/Speech (currently enrolled or previously evaluated) or GSRP. Click the "New Parent Guide" to begin the online enrollment process.


You already have students enrolled in Clarkston Community Schools and would like to enroll an additional child who will be new to the district. Click the "Current Parent Guide" to begin the online enrollment process.
