clear creek isd parent portal

by Dr. Malachi Predovic I 10 min read

Is Clear Creek moving to a 4 day school week?

Clear Creek School District is moving to a 4 day school week!! In transitioning to a 4 Day school week, Clear Creek School District will provide experiential student learning opportunities on the "5th Day." The 5th Day is also called COMPASS Day, which stands for. . . Are you interested in joining the CCSD Citizens' Advisory Team?

What is the purpose of the Clear Creek School Board report?

This is intended to provide a high level of accountability and communication on behalf of the Board of Education to the Clear Creek community.

How can I get information about the CCISD campus?

Visit your student's campus webpages for important dates and information related to your school. Click here for a list of CCISD campus Twitter accounts. Subscribe to our monthly newsletters to keep up-to-date on what's going on in CCISD.

What was the Fall Carnival at Clear Creek Intermediate School?

Clear Creek Intermediate students and families were treated to a Safari-themed Fall Carnival. Clear Creek Intermediate students and families were treated to a Safari-themed Fall Carnival. Clear Creek Intermediate students and families were treated to a Safari-themed Fall Carnival.


Elementary School

Starting in first grade, your child transitions to classroom-based learning taught by a grade-level teacher. Within each classroom, students learn as a collective group, in small groups, and independently. Your child will learn using the modeling method where a teacher uses outward communication to prompt thought among the students.

Elementary Curriculum

Effective communication is the ultimate goal of the Language Arts program in CCISD. Throughout the educational process, students strive to become expert readers and writers of all kinds of text, effective speakers and listeners, thoughtful problem solvers, critical consumers of visual media, and competent, appreciative users of the language arts.

Standard-Based Grading

CCISD believes the key to early childhood success includes a standards-based grading method. This method allows all elementary school students to know exactly what is expected in each content area throughout the course of the year's learning.

Credit By Examination

Clear Creek ISD offers Credit by Examination (CBE) for grade-level acceleration in accordance with Texas State Board of Education rules and District policy. The purpose of Credit by Exam is to allow a student to accelerate and earn credit without prior formal instruction in that grade.

Are you interested in joining the CCSD Citizens' Advisory Team?

The Citizens’ Advisory Team is tasked with becoming familiar with the bond that Clear Creek voters approved in November 2021. The team is advisory to the CCSD Board of Education, and is an independent, community-based team.

Important Message for returning to school after winter break

We are actively monitoring the situation with COVID and potential impacts on staffing and schools. We considered implementing “buffer weeks” following winter break but decided to not do this. Instead, we have created a plan to be remote ready, and will monitor the situation daily.

Weather Alert

Due to wind and weather conditions, the buses will be running late. I-70 is currently closed at Georgetown as well. Thank you for your patience. As always it is a families choice to keep students home on inclement weather days.

Are you interested in joining the CCSD Citizens' Advisory Team?

The Citizens’ Advisory Team is tasked with becoming familiar with the bond that Clear Creek voters approved in November 2021. The team is advisory to the CCSD Board of Education, and is an independent, community-based team.

Important Message for returning to school after winter break

We are actively monitoring the situation with COVID and potential impacts on staffing and schools. We considered implementing “buffer weeks” following winter break but decided to not do this. Instead, we have created a plan to be remote ready, and will monitor the situation daily.

Weather Alert

Due to wind and weather conditions, the buses will be running late. I-70 is currently closed at Georgetown as well. Thank you for your patience. As always it is a families choice to keep students home on inclement weather days.

Adult Education Survey

CCISD is partnering with Crossroads to offer GED, ESL and possibly other classes for our CCISD parent community. We are conducting a survey to determine what classes we should provide, as well as the most convenient sites.

2020-2021 Texas Academic Performance Report

The Corpus Christi ISD has recieved the TAPR report for the school year ending May 2021. To review a specific campus report, please use the Federal Report Card data link.

Home Access Center

The Home Access Center is a portal provided to CCISD families to get student information online.

CCISD School Relief Fund Plan

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the US Department of Education has released three grants for which local education agencies can apply. These grants, known as ESSER I, II, & III, were authorized by the (CARES) Act; the Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act; & the American Rescue Plan.

Lady Indians repeat as District 9-4A champions

For the second consecutive season, the Sanger Lady Indians have claimed the District 9-4A title.

Sanger ISD operating on 2-hour delay on Friday, Feb. 25

Sanger ISD will operate on a 2-hour delay on Friday, Feb. 25. Buses will run two hours later than their normal routes.

Lady Indians repeat as District 9-4A champions

For the second consecutive season, the Sanger Lady Indians have claimed the District 9-4A title.

Sanger ISD operating on 2-hour delay on Friday, Feb. 25

Sanger ISD will operate on a 2-hour delay on Friday, Feb. 25. Buses will run two hours later than their normal routes.

Lady Indians repeat as District 9-4A champions

For the second consecutive season, the Sanger Lady Indians have claimed the District 9-4A title.
