clemson iroar parent portal

by Julianne Keeling 6 min read

What payment methods does Clemson University accept on iroar?

You may pay via eCheck on iROAR. Credit Card:You may pay with a credit card via iROAR. Clemson University accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express for tuition and student fee payments online only.

How do I enroll in the Clemson University four payment plan?

To enroll in the Clemson University Four Payment Plan, please enroll via iROAR. After iROAR login, click on the "Student Billing" tab, and then click on "My Bill". From there, select payment plans from the menu at top of the page. Fall 2021

What is Clemson University's policy on lending entities?

Clemson University policies regarding interaction with lending entities. The purpose of this policy is to prohibit conflicts of interest in situations involving student financial aid and to establish standards of conduct for employees with responsibility for student financial aid. II. Applicability

How do I contact Clemson about my student Bill?

If you cannot access your bill online, please call 864-656-5592 or email us at If your fees change for any reason after your initial payment (i.e., housing adjustment, meal plan addition, change in schedule, etc.), you are responsible for promptly paying the balance.


How do I log into iROAR Clemson?

Log in to iRoar at: User Name is your primary Clemson University username in all lowercase.The password is case sensitive, meaning, it must exactly match your Clemson password combination of uppercase and/or lowercase letters.More items...

How do I get my Clemson 1098 T form?

Your 2020, and prior years, 1098-T are available for download through the student billing page in iROAR. You will need Adobe Reader version 8. X or higher. If your form does not download or there are no values on your form, you may need to revise your browser settings.

How do I make someone an authorized user at Clemson?

Students can add a parent as an Authorized User via TouchNet. Students can click on the "Authorized users" tab via TouchNet, enter their parent's email address and an email with login instructions will then be sent to the parent. Authorized users can view the bill, make a tuition payment and sign up for a payment plan.

How do I add a parent to iROAR?

Adding an Authorized UserGo to iRoar and log in. ... Once in Touchnet, click on the Authorized User tab on the right hand side.You should now be able to add an authorized user by inputting the appropriate email address. ... Click Continue and the following agreement should appear:Check the "I Agree" box and select Continue.

How do I get my w2 from Clemson?

Steps to access your online W-2:Access your 2021 Form W-2 (If prompted to log in, enter your Clemson credentials and authenticate with Duo).Select “View W-2/W-2c Forms” from the menu on the left.Select the “View Form” button under “Year End Form” (making sure you have selected the appropriate tax year above).More items...

Is Clemson University tax exempt?

Equipment used directly and substantially for research and development purposes may be exempt from sales and use tax. A Research and Development Sales/Use Tax Exemption Form must be completed and retained with the supporting documentation to support the exemption.

What is Clemson iROAR? iROAR is a comprehensive system for managing the university's official student data of record. The iROAR team supports the Banner student system to support admissions, financial aid, registration, student billing, and official student transcript processes.

How do I find my Cuid?

Where can I find my CUID number? As a new Undergraduate student, you should have received your CUID number in your Undergraduate Admissions Acceptance packet. If you have received your TigerOne card already, you can find your CUID on the front of the card.

Can you pay Clemson tuition with credit card?

Credit Card: You may pay with a credit card via iROAR. Clemson University accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express for tuition and student fee payments online only.

What is my Clemson ID number?

CUID refers to your Clemson University Identification Number. It's a unique number that begins with a C and serves as your student ID number. Note: this number can be found in your Admitted Student Portal. First, you will use your CUID number to look-up your User ID.

How do I add a parent to my UVA payment?

Once in UVAPay, click on “Actions” in the upper right, and choose “Manage Authorized Users”. Click “Add Authorized User” to add a new user.

Does Clemson waive out of state tuition?

Out-of-state Tuition at Clemson. Clemson University is a public, state institution, so it offers a reduced tuition rate of $13,838 for students who qualify as state residents and attend full-time. Public schools receive funds from the state to help them cover costs.

How do I see holds on iROAR?

Check for any registration holds in iROAR: Student Self-Service 〉 Student Records 〉 Student Advising Profile 〉 View Holds. To resolve holds, you must contact the department that issued the hold.

How do I download my transcript from Clemson?

Request a TranscriptTranscript requests are made via Parchment. 〉 Available to all current and former students. 〉 Flat fee of $15.48 per transcript.Mail-In requests are made via the Transcript Request Form (PDF) 〉 $12.00 per transcript, check/money order payable to Clemson University. 〉

What is CU navigate?

CU Navigate is a student-centered mobile app that provides students with the support that they need, where they need it—on their phones.

How many credit hours do you need to graduate from Clemson?

108 credit hoursFor GPA, a student must meet a minimum cumulative GPA requirement that depends on overall credit hours attempted. For maximum timeframe, a student must complete their degree in 189 credit hours (undergraduate) or 108 credit hours (graduate). For pacing, a student must earn at least 67% of credit hours attempted.

How to contact FERPA in Clemson?

Please visit the Office of General Counsel for more information about FERPA or call 864-656-3414 or contact our Registrar’s Office at 864-656-2171.

What is FERPA funding?

FERPA applies to any public or private institution of higher education that receives funds under programs administered by the Department of Education, including but not limited to federal grants, Pell grants, and guaranteed student loans.

Can students add authorized users to their accounts?

Students are permitted to add authorized users to their accounts that may have an interest in their financial records.

Is Clemson University in compliance with FERPA?

FERPA Compliance. To remain in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a law administered by the federal government, Clemson University is required to protect the privacy of student education records in addition to provide timely access to and the ability to amend those education records.


The iRoar information system provides a single sign-on for all users, improved data integrity, and an enhanced management of data and an intuitive portal for all aspects of the Clemson community.

Key Features

an alternative pin process that will allow faculty advisors to release pins after meeting with students


All Clemson students, faculty, and staff with a valid Clemson user name have iRoar access.

When is the 2022 IROAR payment plan due?

Jan 7, 2022. Payment plan enrollment is available online via iROAR beginning the day tuition bills are generated for the semester. Enrollment in the Four Payment Plan must occur prior to the published payment deadline in order to avoid late fees and/or course cancellation.

Can students log in to the student bill?

Students can log in using their username and password. Authorized users can also access the student bill using their unique username and password. The online bill reflects the student’s current registration and billing information. Because the bill is real-time, students can verify that all fees are satisfied before the payment deadlines.

Can you add a parent to TouchNet?

Because the bill is real-time, students can verify that all fees are satisfied before the payment deadlines. Students may add a parent or other designee as an authorized user via TouchNet. Students can click on the "Authorized users" link via TouchNet, enter their parent or other designee’s email address.

How many hours of school do you have to be enrolled in Clemson?

The student must be enrolled at least half-time (six hours or more) The student must maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by the Clemson University Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. The student and borrower must not have defaulted on or owe a refund to any previous student aid program.

When was the Teacher Loan Program established in South Carolina?

The South Carolina Teacher Loan Program was established by the State of South Carolina through the Education Improvement Act of 1984 to entice talented and qualified students into the teaching profession. This loan is canceled by teaching in South Carolina public schools in an area of critical need.

What can help fill the gap between the cost of attendance and the amounts received through scholarships and grants?

Loans. Student loans can help fill the gap between the cost of attendance and the amounts received through scholarships and grants. It is important to remember, however, that these funds will need to be repaid, so students are encouraged to only borrow the amount that they actually need.

Do you pay interest on a loan while in school?

You will not be charged interest on the loan while you are in school at least half-time or during grace and deferment periods. The federal government “subsidizes” the interest on these loans. An unsubsidized Direct Loan is not awarded on the basis of financial need.

Can a university assign a private student loan?

Under no circumstances will the University assign a student’s private student loan to a particular lender, or refuse to certify, or delay certification, of any private loan based on the borrower’s selection of lender or guarantee agency. C. Private Loans.
