cokato elementary parent portal

by Meggie Padberg 5 min read

What is a Cokato classroom?

COKATO/ DASSEL ELEMENTARY-the classroom teacher will work with the student to catch up (sometimes sending schoolwork home to be completed). HIGH SCHOOL/ MIDDLE SCHOOL-if able, students should log into Google Classroom or Schoology.

What is Cokato’s approach to catching up?

COKATO/ DASSEL ELEMENTARY-the classroom teacher will work with the student to catch up (sometimes sending schoolwork home to be completed). HIGH SCHOOL/ MIDDLE SCHOOL-if able, students should log into Google Classroom or Schoology. Upon return, students are

What is the difference between Cokato/Dassel Elementary and middle school?

COKATO/ DASSEL ELEMENTARY-the building secretary will reach out to the parent/guardians to determine the student’s ability to work on school work. MIDDLE SCHOOL-the building secretary will reach out to parents/guardians to determine a student's ability to work on school

How do I use campus Parent Portal?

Parent Portal allows you to instantly access your student's grades, view and pay lunch account balances (directions on setup), standardized test scores, attendance records, contact information, and immunization records. After accessing the main Campus page click, Campus Parent.


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Student Lunch Accounts

Family lunch accounts are created and accessed only by members of that family. Accounts are activated once money is deposited, online via Parent Portal. Students receive a five-digit number which is entered into the lunch-line computers. The computer will deduct the fee from the family lunch account.

Free and Reduced Lunch Program

Only the first meal of each day qualifies for free and reduced treatment, for those approved for the program. Second meals are charged at the regular price to the parents. Legislation enacted by the state provides students who qualify for reduced-price lunches, to also receive breakfast at no charge.
