colbert heights high school parent portal

by Clementina Schmitt IV 3 min read

Who is Columbia Heights public schools?

We are a small diverse District, with five schools and approximately 3,100 K-12 learners, yet Columbia Heights Public Schools is focused on the big picture of creating College and Career-Ready Graduates for every student in our schools.

Why choose Colbert County Schools?

Colbert County Schools is proud to be the 1st K-12 School District in the U.S. to be awarded National Certification for STEM Excellence for Educators and all Schools district-wide by the National Institute of STEM Education.

What information will parents have access to in the junior high?

Parents of students enrolled in the Junior/Senior High will have online access to student schedules, attendance, New York State Education Department assessment parent reports, CSH progress reports and report cards for grades 7 through 12, and unofficial transcripts for grades 9 through 12.


Welcome to Columbia Heights Public Schools

Our District serves the communities of Columbia Heights, South Fridley and Hilltop, Minnesota. We are located directly north of Minneapolis, also neighboring the communities of Fridley, St. Anthony and New Brighton.

CHPS Board of Education Equity Statement

The Columbia Heights Public Schools Board is committed to equitable school governance. At the 2/22/22 Board meeting, they adopted the following equity statement: "We, the Columbia Heights Public Schools Board of Education ISD #13, are accountable for each learner belonging and succeeding.

CHPS Update February 17, 2022

CHPS is committed to providing excellent educational and enrichment opportunities for our students with health and safety as a priority

Hylanders in the News - WCCO at Valley View

WCCO came to visit Valley View Elementary on February 14 to ask some of our students "What is Love?" for their "Good Question" segment of their 10:00pm news!

CHPS Update February 10, 2022

CHPS is committed to providing excellent educational and enrichment opportunities for our students with health and safety as a priority
